school bags for class 9 image
I'm 13 turning 14 on Oct. 19. And I'm a girl. I'm pretty good at school work and just a little with social skills. And how do I hangout with the cool crowd of higher grades? Help me :( And I think I look okay. Just need a little help with buying new and cool brands of shoes and stuff(: Tips please?
Oh and I'm from Las Vegas.
1. Say hi to the person sitting next to you in each of your classes.
2. Go in with a positive attitude
3. Get to know your teacher's school emails so you can submit papers, ask questions etc.
4. Don't be embarrassed or afraid to raise your hand to ask questions.
5. If you fall behind make sure you get help right away because then you will fall so far behind you'll have a hard time getting back on track.
6. Buy a whiteboard/ cork-board for your room or one of those wipe off wall stickers, and write down the due dates of assignments, long term projects, extended homework, group work, trips anything important.
7. Buy a mini whiteboard for your locker or a few magnets and write down the same things.
8. If you have no one to sit with at lunch sit alone, someone will come over to you :)
9. Get the phone number of someone in each of your classes for homework etc.
10. Take notes.
11. Keep your notes organized!!!!
12. You don't need a boyfriend to make you happy.
13. Don't ever lose a friend over a boy.
14. Getting into fights is not cute
15. Be assertive not to nice, not to mean.
16. Don't let people tale advantage of you.
17. If you happen to go out with an upperclassmen be careful. If a senior is after you they usually do want one thing. Now this doesn't mean that you have to stay away because there are very nice guys too.
18. You are not in love with someone after a month.
19. Juniors and seniors will leave you alone for the most part, sophomores are a different story.
20. Never go to a party alone. EVER
21. Unless you can drive don't have a friend suggest driving you to and from somewhere unless you know 100% there is a designated driver or your friend will not drink. ( yes high school parties have drinking)
22. Don't do drugs
23. Surround yourself with positive people
24. Join clubs, teams and things you like because you like it not to fit in.
25. Always make time for friends
26. Even best friends let secrets go, be mindful of what you tell who.
27. Don't listen to or spread rumors. Your eyes are the witness of the truth
28. If you have a problem talk it out. Tell your friend but ideally find an adult whom you trust completely to talk you through what's wrong.
29. Having a relationship with your parents is important.
30. Someone, somewhere will have a problem with you. Be the bigger person and ignore it.
31. Don't start drama, high schools more fun that way.
32. Girls can be mean.
33. Have pride, and dignity in yourself.
34. The girls that are sluts and get all the attention usually have self esteem issues.
35. People get pregnant, things happen, so protect yourself and never abandon a friend who is going through this.
IN YOUR BAG/ locker
36. Keep an extra notebook folder.
37. Keep extra pads/ tampons
38. Pens, pencils ALWAYS get lost keep a lot.
39. Keep extra money
40. Little bottles of : gel, water, lotion etc.
41. Keep a brush
42. Keep some hair ties.
43. Keep an extra change of clothes in case of accidental wetting, accidents etc.
44. Keep some snacks in a baggie or a small bin thing ( my friend had a tiny one to keep out bugs)
45. Keep body spray
46. Three words TIDE TO GO best invention ever!
47. Your makeup, if you use anyone
48. A locker mirror
49. A pocket mirror
50. Deodorant
51. Keep a pair of old shoes in your gym locker so you never have to worry about bringing them home
52. Keep an extra pair of socks.
53. Brush every morning.
54. Give yourself time to eat in the morning.
55. Pack your bag, lunch projects the night before.
56. Set your alarm clock 1 min apart so it rings twice
57. Set your cellphone alarm too
58. Pick out a few clothes each night so you don't have to run around when what you thought you wanted to wear doesn't look right.
60. Take nothing but pens, pencils, a notebook and a folder the first day
61. Use your locker all the freshmen here think it's a good idea to not use lockers IKD why.
62. Find what studying method works for you.
63. Find what morning routine works for you
64. Find what HAIR product works best ( I knew one worked and I used a differed one and I looked like a lion by the end of the day)
65. Invest in Bobby pins.
66. Shower every night or morning or both.
67. Pack gum. So you always have minty fresh breath
68. Remember your phone.
69. Don't use a purse AND a bag
71. Have fun
72. Think about what interests you and what you want to do in college like think of a major
73. Don't over challenge yourself, only take on what you can handle
1. Say hi to the person sitting next to you in each of your classes.
2. Go in with a positive attitude
3. Get to know your teacher's school emails so you can submit papers, ask questions etc.
4. Don't be embarrassed or afraid to raise your hand to ask questions.
5. If you fall behind make sure you get help right away because then you will fall so far behind you'll have a hard time getting back on track.
6. Buy a whiteboard/ cork-board for your room or one of those wipe off wall stickers, and write down the due dates of assignments, long term projects, extended homework, group work, trips anything important.
7. Buy a mini whiteboard for your locker or a few magnets and write down the same things.
8. If you have no one to sit with at lunch sit alone, someone will come over to you :)
9. Get the phone number of someone in each of your classes for homework etc.
10. Take notes.
11. Keep your notes organized!!!!
12. You don't need a boyfriend to make you happy.
13. Don't ever lose a friend over a boy.
14. Getting into fights is not cute
15. Be assertive not to nice, not to mean.
16. Don't let people tale advantage of you.
17. If you happen to go out with an upperclassmen be careful. If a senior is after you they usually do want one thing. Now this doesn't mean that you have to stay away because there are very nice guys too.
18. You are not in love with someone after a month.
19. Juniors and seniors will leave you alone for the most part, sophomores are a different story.
20. Never go to a party alone. EVER
21. Unless you can drive don't have a friend suggest driving you to and from somewhere unless you know 100% there is a designated driver or your friend will not drink. ( yes high school parties have drinking)
22. Don't do drugs
23. Surround yourself with positive people
24. Join clubs, teams and things you like because you like it not to fit in.
25. Always make time for friends
26. Even best friends let secrets go, be mindful of what you tell who.
27. Don't listen to or spread rumors. Your eyes are the witness of the truth
28. If you have a problem talk it out. Tell your friend but ideally find an adult whom you trust completely to talk you through what's wrong.
29. Having a relationship with your parents is important.
30. Someone, somewhere will have a problem with you. Be the bigger person and ignore it.
31. Don't start drama, high schools more fun that way.
32. Girls can be mean.
33. Have pride, and dignity in yourself.
34. The girls that are sluts and get all the attention usually have self esteem issues.
35. People get pregnant, things happen, so protect yourself and never abandon a friend who is going through this.
IN YOUR BAG/ locker
36. Keep an extra notebook folder.
37. Keep extra pads/ tampons
38. Pens, pencils ALWAYS get lost keep a lot.
39. Keep extra money
40. Little bottles of : gel, water, lotion etc.
41. Keep a brush
42. Keep some hair ties.
43. Keep an extra change of clothes in case of accidental wetting, accidents etc.
44. Keep some snacks in a baggie or a small bin thing ( my friend had a tiny one to keep out bugs)
45. Keep body spray
46. Three words TIDE TO GO best invention ever!
47. Your makeup, if you use anyone
48. A locker mirror
49. A pocket mirror
50. Deodorant
51. Keep a pair of old shoes in your gym locker so you never have to worry about bringing them home
52. Keep an extra pair of socks.
53. Brush every morning.
54. Give yourself time to eat in the morning.
55. Pack your bag, lunch projects the night before.
56. Set your alarm clock 1 min apart so it rings twice
57. Set your cellphone alarm too
58. Pick out a few clothes each night so you don't have to run around when what you thought you wanted to wear doesn't look right.
60. Take nothing but pens, pencils, a notebook and a folder the first day
61. Use your locker all the freshmen here think it's a good idea to not use lockers IKD why.
62. Find what studying method works for you.
63. Find what morning routine works for you
64. Find what HAIR product works best ( I knew one worked and I used a differed one and I looked like a lion by the end of the day)
65. Invest in Bobby pins.
66. Shower every night or morning or both.
67. Pack gum. So you always have minty fresh breath
68. Remember your phone.
69. Don't use a purse AND a bag
71. Have fun
72. Think about what interests you and what you want to do in college like think of a major
73. Don't over challenge yourself, only take on what you can handle
What are some cool things to do on the last day of high school?
My last day of high school is in 2 days, I need some ideas for what to do on the last day while I am at school and when I get home. Please someone help!
1. Start a food fight... But you can find amusment with that one even if its not the last day of school.
2. If you know someone you really hate is moving, don't let them leave without them not knowing why you hate them. Tell them every little reason why you hate them. Thats ALWAYS fun.
3. Put "Kick Me" signs on teachers, students, or even the principle! A simple goodbye hug seems very normal on such a day! But while hugging them, snap that sign on them!! So fun.
4. Swear like CRAZY! I love doing this right after the bell rings for summer. Teachers can't do a thing to you. At the end of the school day, just start yelling, "F*CK (INSERT SCHOOL NAME)!!" Some teachers might get mad at you but they really can't do anything.
5. Climbing trees! Some o' my friends climbed this huge tree at the end of school and would yell peoples names. It was so amusing to see people look around. Or they would yell things like, "THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!" it was so funny.
6. Two words: Zombie Attack. Well, not a real one. Just gather some friends and act like zombies while your travelling from class to class. You'll freak people out, its worth it.
7. Admit your undying love to a teacher. Even if you really don't have undying love for them. Hell, even if you hate the teacher. its just funny.
8. Bring an ipod and crank it up during class. What the hell are they gonna do? Take away your ipod on the last day of school? Yeah right.
9. Take a bunch of pictures. Nuf said.
10. KICK PEOPLE! >__>
11. Duck tape friends to walls and then have them throw confetti at people walking by. (Wish I could do this!)
12. Hug random people walking by. But make sure you don't know them, because then its funnier.
13. Raise your hand during class, and then when the teacher calls on you, start singing. ^_^
14. Well, for me it was Orchestra class, but you can do it any class. We hid peoples binders (And instruments) around the room. And if your tall like me, you can put things up on high places. Its fun to watch people try to find or reach things. Woo!
15. Act like your dieing over the summer. Act as if the last day of school is the last day of your life. Its reeeeally fun.
16. Pretend to have a crush on a guy you know is moving over the summer.
17. During lunch, start singing with a bunch of people. Get a whole group of friends and start singing your favorite song, and preferbly one that not many other people like outside your friends!
18. Get a bunch of friends to act like the world is coming to an end.
19. Call people the wrong name repeadly. Especially if they know you know them. Just say things like, "Omg, I'm soo sad I wont see you over the summer, Bob! Your like one of my best friends, Bob!" Its really fun.
20. Talk to your English teacher with really bad grammar. Act as if you didnt learn a thing!
21. Putting tacks on teachers chairs. Make sure no one sees you >__>
22. Put jello in the school toilets. Yes, I'm serious.
23. You COULD glue all the books to the desk. But it'd be hard to not get cuaght!
24. Get a type of candys thats white and easy to crush into dust. Something like Smarties or something. Then crush a bunch of them together and put it in a bag and hide it somewhere (Or better yet, put it in the principles office and put a note to it saying "Here's the stuff, G-Diddy"). We love doing this! Or you could actually smoke the smarties, thats always fun, and a good alternate to real cocaine! But some schools will suspend you if they see you. Beware.
25. Get a bunch of friends who all have cell phones. And then stimutanously call each other and put the rings to really loud. Preferbly with annoying ring tones. And try to get everyone with the cellphones in the same classroom. Fun. Very fun.
26. Go to school wearing a costume or something. Or with lots of makeup. Or just wear something that breaks the School rules as much as possible. Too short of skirt, hats. masks, high heels, all the works that might break a rule. But we have a strict dress code, you might not.
27. Ride your bike in the hall way. It works better if you have an outside school, like us...
28. If you got friends in band or orchestra, get them all together after school and pretend like your having a concert outside. Always fun to see peopels reactions as they walk by. (Our whole Orchestra is planning on doing that next year! But without the conductor...)
29. Break a lot of school rules. Its just plain fun to do it on the last day of schoo, because you cant get detention. Though one kid did something drastic one year and he was given detention, but he had to wait till after summer to serve it.
30. GO INSANE! GO COMPLETELY INSANE! Just start running around like a complete spaz. Especially right after the bell rings. Get a bunch of friends to scream when the bell rings and run around with spazs with you, if you can! Its really fun!
A few extras:
Set off the alarm half way through a period
Do it at the end of the day to piss everyone off
leave a nasty suprise for one of you teachers preferbly one you dont like :)
Get lots of A1 paper and write a letter on each piece and write something crazy :P
1. Start a food fight... But you can find amusment with that one even if its not the last day of school.
2. If you know someone you really hate is moving, don't let them leave without them not knowing why you hate them. Tell them every little reason why you hate them. Thats ALWAYS fun.
3. Put "Kick Me" signs on teachers, students, or even the principle! A simple goodbye hug seems very normal on such a day! But while hugging them, snap that sign on them!! So fun.
4. Swear like CRAZY! I love doing this right after the bell rings for summer. Teachers can't do a thing to you. At the end of the school day, just start yelling, "F*CK (INSERT SCHOOL NAME)!!" Some teachers might get mad at you but they really can't do anything.
5. Climbing trees! Some o' my friends climbed this huge tree at the end of school and would yell peoples names. It was so amusing to see people look around. Or they would yell things like, "THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!" it was so funny.
6. Two words: Zombie Attack. Well, not a real one. Just gather some friends and act like zombies while your travelling from class to class. You'll freak people out, its worth it.
7. Admit your undying love to a teacher. Even if you really don't have undying love for them. Hell, even if you hate the teacher. its just funny.
8. Bring an ipod and crank it up during class. What the hell are they gonna do? Take away your ipod on the last day of school? Yeah right.
9. Take a bunch of pictures. Nuf said.
10. KICK PEOPLE! >__>
11. Duck tape friends to walls and then have them throw confetti at people walking by. (Wish I could do this!)
12. Hug random people walking by. But make sure you don't know them, because then its funnier.
13. Raise your hand during class, and then when the teacher calls on you, start singing. ^_^
14. Well, for me it was Orchestra class, but you can do it any class. We hid peoples binders (And instruments) around the room. And if your tall like me, you can put things up on high places. Its fun to watch people try to find or reach things. Woo!
15. Act like your dieing over the summer. Act as if the last day of school is the last day of your life. Its reeeeally fun.
16. Pretend to have a crush on a guy you know is moving over the summer.
17. During lunch, start singing with a bunch of people. Get a whole group of friends and start singing your favorite song, and preferbly one that not many other people like outside your friends!
18. Get a bunch of friends to act like the world is coming to an end.
19. Call people the wrong name repeadly. Especially if they know you know them. Just say things like, "Omg, I'm soo sad I wont see you over the summer, Bob! Your like one of my best friends, Bob!" Its really fun.
20. Talk to your English teacher with really bad grammar. Act as if you didnt learn a thing!
21. Putting tacks on teachers chairs. Make sure no one sees you >__>
22. Put jello in the school toilets. Yes, I'm serious.
23. You COULD glue all the books to the desk. But it'd be hard to not get cuaght!
24. Get a type of candys thats white and easy to crush into dust. Something like Smarties or something. Then crush a bunch of them together and put it in a bag and hide it somewhere (Or better yet, put it in the principles office and put a note to it saying "Here's the stuff, G-Diddy"). We love doing this! Or you could actually smoke the smarties, thats always fun, and a good alternate to real cocaine! But some schools will suspend you if they see you. Beware.
25. Get a bunch of friends who all have cell phones. And then stimutanously call each other and put the rings to really loud. Preferbly with annoying ring tones. And try to get everyone with the cellphones in the same classroom. Fun. Very fun.
26. Go to school wearing a costume or something. Or with lots of makeup. Or just wear something that breaks the School rules as much as possible. Too short of skirt, hats. masks, high heels, all the works that might break a rule. But we have a strict dress code, you might not.
27. Ride your bike in the hall way. It works better if you have an outside school, like us...
28. If you got friends in band or orchestra, get them all together after school and pretend like your having a concert outside. Always fun to see peopels reactions as they walk by. (Our whole Orchestra is planning on doing that next year! But without the conductor...)
29. Break a lot of school rules. Its just plain fun to do it on the last day of schoo, because you cant get detention. Though one kid did something drastic one year and he was given detention, but he had to wait till after summer to serve it.
30. GO INSANE! GO COMPLETELY INSANE! Just start running around like a complete spaz. Especially right after the bell rings. Get a bunch of friends to scream when the bell rings and run around with spazs with you, if you can! Its really fun!
A few extras:
Set off the alarm half way through a period
Do it at the end of the day to piss everyone off
leave a nasty suprise for one of you teachers preferbly one you dont like :)
Get lots of A1 paper and write a letter on each piece and write something crazy :P
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Title Post: How to survive freshman year of high school?
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