school bags zellers image
Q. ok so im turning 15 and we did this with church and it was tons of fun. an example of what to put on there is like everyone on top of a building and u take a picture as proof. if anyone knows any websties with a list or have one please answer. btw i looked all over google. so yeah.
Hope this gives you a bunch of ideas - I love scavenger hunts!
a paper clip 10 points
a picture of two members of your group in front of a McDonald's
50 points
a geranium 10 points
a rollscanhardly
150 points
a 1971 census pencil 75 points
a Supertest logo
50 points
a beanie 50 points
a Winter Carnival Pin
50 points
an American $2.00 bill 50 points
an Expo 86 Passport
30 points
a B.A. Roadmap 75 points
a pair of clackers
20 points
a plastic plant 10 points
a toupee
40 points
a team member's grandfather 150 points
a bow tie, and be able to tie it
20 points
a ping pong paddle 10 points
a bushel basket
10 points
a yellow golf tee 10 points
a brown paper lunchbag
10 points
an only you can stop drinking and driving sticker 10 points
a computer diagram of a heart
20 points
a red white and blue ball 10 points
a copy of Mad Magazine
10 points
a plastic orange garbage bag 10 points
a tent and it must be pitched
75 points
a green umbrella 30 points
a Toronto road map
10 points
a field hockey shirt 10 points
a Kermit the Frog
10 points
silly putty 50 points
play dough
20 points
one Lego piece 10 points
a wet nap
10 points
a Gobot 10 points
Mr. Smith's autograph
10 points
a hula hoop 20 points
a yo-yo
10 points
a wartime rations card 150 points
a gift certificate
10 points
a Zellers shopping bag 10 points
a team member's brother or sister
75 points
a picture of four team members with the principal of your school 75 points
a cowboy hat
10 points
a piece of artificial turf 20 points
a staple
10 points
a microfilm 50 points
a dill pickle
10 points
a picture of three members of your team with Bill 100 points
an empty bottle of Chanel #5
50 points
a lazy susan 30 points
a Snoopy electric toothbrush
75 points
nose hair clippers 30 points
a Ken doll
20 points
an ant trap 10 points
a rain poncho
20 points
fish net nylons 20 points
white go-go boots
75 points
a picture of Michael Landon 10 points
a hacky sack
10 points
a piece of coal 20 points
hedge clippers
10 points
an alarm clock 10 points
a picture frame
10 points
a piece of gum found stuck to the road 30 points
a picture of the Osmond Brothers when Donny was 12 yrs old
100 points
a first class mail sticker 20 points
10 empty pixi sticks
50 points
a tape recording of THE CHAMP 100 points
something that says ``Made in Canada'' on it
20 points
a program from the Shaw Festival 50 points
a belt buckle with a truck on it
50 points
a cricket mallet and ball 40 points
a plane ticket
30 points
a sewing ball used to darn socks 30 points
a Golden Bear golf ball
40 points
a list of the Blue Jay's first starting lineup 75 points
a calendar from an Insurance company
20 points
a yellow pastel 20 points
a Thunder Cats drinking glass
50 points
a donut from Tim Horton's 10 points
a student handbook
10 points
a 1968 yearbook 75 points
a pair of Coke glasses
20 points
a bus transfer 100 points
a ticket stub from a Meatloaf or ELO concert
150 points
a picture of Robert Zimmerman 40 points
a tie dyed shirt
30 points
a grocery bill over $90.00 10 points
a recipe for gazpacho
30 points
a footlong shoe horn 40 points
windshield wiper glasses
30 points
a plastic knife fork and spoon 10 points
an empty KFC bucket
40 points
a bathing cap 10 points
an athletic support
20 points
a schleterkadavski 250 points
something from the prom
20 points
a used Bounce dryer sheet 10 points
an empty toilet paper roll
10 points
a flexible straw 10 points
a ring from a bubble gum machine
20 points
a Daniel Steele novel 10 points
Gumby or Pokey
75 points
a WWF wrestling ring 50 points
an eight ball
20 points
a pair of galoshes 10 points
a popple
20 points
a suncatcher 20 points
a tube of Preparation H
20 points
Headline from the Toronto Star, November 22, 1963 50 points
a yogi rope
30 points
a paper airplane 20 points
an Ouija board
75 points
an origami example 30 points
the candlestick from the board game CLUE
40 points
a canoe 150 points
a Canada's Wonderland Day pass
20 points
a Blue Jays souvenir 10 points
a red devil
30 points
a Farah Fawcett poster 50 points
a Bobby Sherman album
100 points
a t-shirt from Newfoundland 75 points
a black brush
10 points
a picture of a team member eating Christmas dinner 40 points
a stethoscope
40 points
$1,000,000 10 points
a goofy cap
40 points
a toilet seat 50 points
a driveable dump truck
250 points
a bible 10 points
a raw rawhide bone
10 points
a baby's bonnet 20 points
a garlic press
20 points
an egg separater 20 points
a fluorescent vest
40 points
a flag flying 100 points
a unicycle
40 points
snowshoes 20 points
a Mr. Turtle Pool
75 points
a car air freshener 10 points
a garter belt
20 points
a plastic pail and shovel 20 points
a sea shell
10 points
a box of Kraft Dinner 10 points
a reporter from the local paper
150 points
a TV personality 150 points
a picture of someone with a handlebar mustache
20 points
a monocle 30 points
a Twister game set up and ready to play
75 points
an original spiral Coke-Cola bottle 50 points
a sparkler
10 points
a whoopee cushion 20 points
a red sled
50 points
a skateboard 10 points
a Flintstone vitamin
30 points
toe socks 20 points
a bathmat
10 points
a peanut in the shell 10 points
a can of sardines
10 points
a pogo ball 20 points
cuff links
10 points
Murmel Murmel 50 points
a tandem bike
75 points
a wind surfer with the mast up 100 points
a pair of thongs
10 points
a footsie 75 points
a funnel
10 points
a bird's nest 20 points
a hamster or guinea pig
30 points
a kiwi 10 points
a tambourine
10 points
a hard boiled egg 10 points
a lawn chair
10 points
an inflatible duck ringbuoy 40 points
Who's Next
30 points
a venus fly trap 100 points
a ball and jacks
20 points
piece of licorice root 20 points
four leaf clover
20 points
an original finger painting 20 points
a souvenir from a Royal Wedding
30 points
a Q Tip 10 points
a hotel guest soap
10 points
a fish neck tie 30 points
a sou'wester
50 points
a green alley 20 points
a 1984 nickle
40 points
a hydro bill 10 points
a squirt gun
10 points
a group member's baby tooth 30 points
a Perry Como Christmas album
30 points
an ice pack from a cooler 10 points
a record or tape that teaches another language
50 points
a picture of four team members in a swimming pool 75 points
a picture of all team members wearing spirit wear
75 points
a plastic baseball bat 10 points
a piece of blue construction paper
10 points
a banner with your team name on it 50 points
a coffee can
10 points
an exam timetable 20 points
a glue gun
20 points
a Canadian flag 20 points
a roll of masking tape
10 points
a yellow submarine 30 points
a green beret
30 points
a bowling trophy 20 points
a maple leaf
10 points
a cracker jack prize 20 points
a wheel barrow
50 points
a pick up truck 150 points
a kite that is flying
30 points
a pony 30 points
a tie clip
20 points
a pennant from another province 30 points
a pine cone
10 points
a red elastic 20 points
a boomerang
30 points
a piece of Hot Wheels track 20 points
matches from a wedding
10 points
a wooden spoon 10 points
an Italian-English dictionary
20 points
a power puck 30 points
a picture of Elvis
20 points
a sponge 10 points
a door stop
20 points
a brown car mat 10 points
a yearbook from another school
20 points
a pair of book ends 10 points
a lamp shade
10 points
a nerf basket ball 20 points
an eyelash curler
30 points
an electric egg beater 10 points
a Christmas tree light bulb
10 points
a pink Panther 10 points
an invitation from any other high school's formal
20 points
an animal slipper 30 points
a photo of 1 group member beside a retired teacher from your school
75 points
an AC\DC t-shirt 10 points
a 1982 tax return
50 points
a t-shirt with Daytona Beach on it 10 points
a balding man wearing brown shoes (no staff)
150 points
whole body long underwear 20 points
a picture of a boy fishing
20 points
30,000 lbs. of Bananas 75 points
10,000 Maniacs
50 points
a street map of London ONT 50 points
a NKOTB poster
10 points
picture of 2 group members at midnight (shown on a public clock) 75 points
a picture of 4 members in front of a bakery
50 points
a parachute 150 points
a ticket stub from Hamlet
50 points
Hope this gives you a bunch of ideas - I love scavenger hunts!
a paper clip 10 points
a picture of two members of your group in front of a McDonald's
50 points
a geranium 10 points
a rollscanhardly
150 points
a 1971 census pencil 75 points
a Supertest logo
50 points
a beanie 50 points
a Winter Carnival Pin
50 points
an American $2.00 bill 50 points
an Expo 86 Passport
30 points
a B.A. Roadmap 75 points
a pair of clackers
20 points
a plastic plant 10 points
a toupee
40 points
a team member's grandfather 150 points
a bow tie, and be able to tie it
20 points
a ping pong paddle 10 points
a bushel basket
10 points
a yellow golf tee 10 points
a brown paper lunchbag
10 points
an only you can stop drinking and driving sticker 10 points
a computer diagram of a heart
20 points
a red white and blue ball 10 points
a copy of Mad Magazine
10 points
a plastic orange garbage bag 10 points
a tent and it must be pitched
75 points
a green umbrella 30 points
a Toronto road map
10 points
a field hockey shirt 10 points
a Kermit the Frog
10 points
silly putty 50 points
play dough
20 points
one Lego piece 10 points
a wet nap
10 points
a Gobot 10 points
Mr. Smith's autograph
10 points
a hula hoop 20 points
a yo-yo
10 points
a wartime rations card 150 points
a gift certificate
10 points
a Zellers shopping bag 10 points
a team member's brother or sister
75 points
a picture of four team members with the principal of your school 75 points
a cowboy hat
10 points
a piece of artificial turf 20 points
a staple
10 points
a microfilm 50 points
a dill pickle
10 points
a picture of three members of your team with Bill 100 points
an empty bottle of Chanel #5
50 points
a lazy susan 30 points
a Snoopy electric toothbrush
75 points
nose hair clippers 30 points
a Ken doll
20 points
an ant trap 10 points
a rain poncho
20 points
fish net nylons 20 points
white go-go boots
75 points
a picture of Michael Landon 10 points
a hacky sack
10 points
a piece of coal 20 points
hedge clippers
10 points
an alarm clock 10 points
a picture frame
10 points
a piece of gum found stuck to the road 30 points
a picture of the Osmond Brothers when Donny was 12 yrs old
100 points
a first class mail sticker 20 points
10 empty pixi sticks
50 points
a tape recording of THE CHAMP 100 points
something that says ``Made in Canada'' on it
20 points
a program from the Shaw Festival 50 points
a belt buckle with a truck on it
50 points
a cricket mallet and ball 40 points
a plane ticket
30 points
a sewing ball used to darn socks 30 points
a Golden Bear golf ball
40 points
a list of the Blue Jay's first starting lineup 75 points
a calendar from an Insurance company
20 points
a yellow pastel 20 points
a Thunder Cats drinking glass
50 points
a donut from Tim Horton's 10 points
a student handbook
10 points
a 1968 yearbook 75 points
a pair of Coke glasses
20 points
a bus transfer 100 points
a ticket stub from a Meatloaf or ELO concert
150 points
a picture of Robert Zimmerman 40 points
a tie dyed shirt
30 points
a grocery bill over $90.00 10 points
a recipe for gazpacho
30 points
a footlong shoe horn 40 points
windshield wiper glasses
30 points
a plastic knife fork and spoon 10 points
an empty KFC bucket
40 points
a bathing cap 10 points
an athletic support
20 points
a schleterkadavski 250 points
something from the prom
20 points
a used Bounce dryer sheet 10 points
an empty toilet paper roll
10 points
a flexible straw 10 points
a ring from a bubble gum machine
20 points
a Daniel Steele novel 10 points
Gumby or Pokey
75 points
a WWF wrestling ring 50 points
an eight ball
20 points
a pair of galoshes 10 points
a popple
20 points
a suncatcher 20 points
a tube of Preparation H
20 points
Headline from the Toronto Star, November 22, 1963 50 points
a yogi rope
30 points
a paper airplane 20 points
an Ouija board
75 points
an origami example 30 points
the candlestick from the board game CLUE
40 points
a canoe 150 points
a Canada's Wonderland Day pass
20 points
a Blue Jays souvenir 10 points
a red devil
30 points
a Farah Fawcett poster 50 points
a Bobby Sherman album
100 points
a t-shirt from Newfoundland 75 points
a black brush
10 points
a picture of a team member eating Christmas dinner 40 points
a stethoscope
40 points
$1,000,000 10 points
a goofy cap
40 points
a toilet seat 50 points
a driveable dump truck
250 points
a bible 10 points
a raw rawhide bone
10 points
a baby's bonnet 20 points
a garlic press
20 points
an egg separater 20 points
a fluorescent vest
40 points
a flag flying 100 points
a unicycle
40 points
snowshoes 20 points
a Mr. Turtle Pool
75 points
a car air freshener 10 points
a garter belt
20 points
a plastic pail and shovel 20 points
a sea shell
10 points
a box of Kraft Dinner 10 points
a reporter from the local paper
150 points
a TV personality 150 points
a picture of someone with a handlebar mustache
20 points
a monocle 30 points
a Twister game set up and ready to play
75 points
an original spiral Coke-Cola bottle 50 points
a sparkler
10 points
a whoopee cushion 20 points
a red sled
50 points
a skateboard 10 points
a Flintstone vitamin
30 points
toe socks 20 points
a bathmat
10 points
a peanut in the shell 10 points
a can of sardines
10 points
a pogo ball 20 points
cuff links
10 points
Murmel Murmel 50 points
a tandem bike
75 points
a wind surfer with the mast up 100 points
a pair of thongs
10 points
a footsie 75 points
a funnel
10 points
a bird's nest 20 points
a hamster or guinea pig
30 points
a kiwi 10 points
a tambourine
10 points
a hard boiled egg 10 points
a lawn chair
10 points
an inflatible duck ringbuoy 40 points
Who's Next
30 points
a venus fly trap 100 points
a ball and jacks
20 points
piece of licorice root 20 points
four leaf clover
20 points
an original finger painting 20 points
a souvenir from a Royal Wedding
30 points
a Q Tip 10 points
a hotel guest soap
10 points
a fish neck tie 30 points
a sou'wester
50 points
a green alley 20 points
a 1984 nickle
40 points
a hydro bill 10 points
a squirt gun
10 points
a group member's baby tooth 30 points
a Perry Como Christmas album
30 points
an ice pack from a cooler 10 points
a record or tape that teaches another language
50 points
a picture of four team members in a swimming pool 75 points
a picture of all team members wearing spirit wear
75 points
a plastic baseball bat 10 points
a piece of blue construction paper
10 points
a banner with your team name on it 50 points
a coffee can
10 points
an exam timetable 20 points
a glue gun
20 points
a Canadian flag 20 points
a roll of masking tape
10 points
a yellow submarine 30 points
a green beret
30 points
a bowling trophy 20 points
a maple leaf
10 points
a cracker jack prize 20 points
a wheel barrow
50 points
a pick up truck 150 points
a kite that is flying
30 points
a pony 30 points
a tie clip
20 points
a pennant from another province 30 points
a pine cone
10 points
a red elastic 20 points
a boomerang
30 points
a piece of Hot Wheels track 20 points
matches from a wedding
10 points
a wooden spoon 10 points
an Italian-English dictionary
20 points
a power puck 30 points
a picture of Elvis
20 points
a sponge 10 points
a door stop
20 points
a brown car mat 10 points
a yearbook from another school
20 points
a pair of book ends 10 points
a lamp shade
10 points
a nerf basket ball 20 points
an eyelash curler
30 points
an electric egg beater 10 points
a Christmas tree light bulb
10 points
a pink Panther 10 points
an invitation from any other high school's formal
20 points
an animal slipper 30 points
a photo of 1 group member beside a retired teacher from your school
75 points
an AC\DC t-shirt 10 points
a 1982 tax return
50 points
a t-shirt with Daytona Beach on it 10 points
a balding man wearing brown shoes (no staff)
150 points
whole body long underwear 20 points
a picture of a boy fishing
20 points
30,000 lbs. of Bananas 75 points
10,000 Maniacs
50 points
a street map of London ONT 50 points
a NKOTB poster
10 points
picture of 2 group members at midnight (shown on a public clock) 75 points
a picture of 4 members in front of a bakery
50 points
a parachute 150 points
a ticket stub from Hamlet
50 points
Where to get over the shoulder bags?
I like to use bags for school with a long strap so i can wear it over my head. I used one frmo h&m last year..but i didnt like it very much. I found one on ( ) but i rather not have a white bag and no f21 is near me. Any Canadian stores i can find a good cute bag?
You can find some cute bags at The Bay, Sears, Zellers or Winners. If you want something from teen store you can find some at Stitches, Urban Behaviour, Garage, or pretty much any of the clothes stores in the mall. You pretty much just have to go in the store and look on the walls for bags.
You can find some cute bags at The Bay, Sears, Zellers or Winners. If you want something from teen store you can find some at Stitches, Urban Behaviour, Garage, or pretty much any of the clothes stores in the mall. You pretty much just have to go in the store and look on the walls for bags.
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Title Post: my birthday is coming up and i need help making up a scavenger hunt list.?
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Author: Yukie
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Rating: 95% based on 9768 ratings. 4,5 user reviews.
Author: Yukie
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