school bag essay for kids image
Kimberly O. Hyman July13, 2009
English (Response Essay)
Top dog/Underdog
Booth and Link are brothers who have had a difficult childhood. When they were just thirteen and sixteen, their mom packed her bags and left. The day that she was leaving, Booth and Link were on their way to school. Booth had a feeling that something was going on, so he decided to cut school. Booth said, ââShe was putting her stuff in bags, she had all them nice suitcases but she was putting her stuff in bagsâ. Two years after their mom left, their dad did too. They talked about how their dad had nice clothes. Booth said âWhat he didnât spend on booze he spent on women and what he didnât spend on them two he spent on clothesâ.
Lincoln and Boothâs relationship with their parents really did not exist. In my opinion they did not have any relationship with their parents. Both of their parents left when the boys were just teenagers. When their mother left, she gave five hundred-dollar bills rolled up and tied up tight in one of her nylon stockings to Booth. When their dad left he gave Lincoln ten fifties in a handerkerchief and told him to hide it. It seems like both parents thought by giving their kids money; it would make them feel better that their parents were leaving for good. As Booth and Lincoln grew up, from time to time they would talk about their past. They thought of many reasons of why their parents left them. Booth thought maybe they had been scheming together all along. They had left separately but will arrive at the same place at the same time, and renewed their wedding vows, maybe they got another family. Lincoln thought maybe they had two new boys. By their mom and dad leaving while they were just kids, I believe that it scared them for life. They had self âesteem problems and they were both child like. They never had a real chance to be teenagers. They had to learn how to be responsible in a short amount o time. How could someoneâs parents leave without giving their children a real explanation?
A seedily furnished rooming house room. A bed, reclining chair, a small wooden chair, and some other stuff but not much else, was where both Booth and Lincoln lived. Although it was Boothâs apartment, Lincoln brought home the money and paid all of the bills. Booth was Lincolnâs little brother, so it just seems like Lincoln was always looking out for Booth and taking care of him. Their relationship was weird. Rocky I would say Booth once slept with Lincoln ex wife cookie. While reading the play, I discovered that it seemed like Booth always wanted what Lincoln had. Booth came across as if he was jealous of him. I feel like although Booth and Lincoln had suffered from the abandonment of their parents, Lincoln had dealt with it better. He had a better head on his shoulders. Booth knew that and that was why at the end of everything, he would then shoot his brother. He knew that he could never feel that he was somebody until his brother was dead. As Booth shots Lincoln, Lincoln slumps forward. After talking about how he saved his inheritances and Lincoln didnât. I think he realized what he done and sat aside Lincoln body, hugging him close and began to cry. We all do things that many regret but there is a difference between being envious and being jealous. Jealousy will leave you angry but being envious will lead you to kill.
Someone could ask themselves what if? But does asking yourself âWhat ifâ really make differences? What if it was all meant to be and growing up in a certain neighbor didnât matter. What if what happens is our destiny. What if we canât control what happens, because everything is already planned out for us. What if Booth and Lincoln grew up with their parents still around and Booth still shot Lincoln. Would environment vs. nature still play a part?
This is fine:
Booth and Link are brothers who have had a difficult childhood. When they were just thirteen and sixteen, their mom packed her bags and left. The day that she was leaving, Booth and Link were on their way to school. Booth had a feeling that something was going on, so he decided to cut school. Booth said, ââShe was putting her stuff in bags, she had all them nice suitcases but she was putting her stuff in bagsâ. Two years after their mom left, their dad did too. They talked about how their dad had nice clothes. Booth said âWhat he didnât spend on booze he spent on women and what he didnât spend on them two he spent on clothesâ.
Lincoln and Boothâs relationship with their parents really did not exist. In my opinion they did not have any relationship with their parents. Both of their parents left when the boys were just teenagers. When their mother left, she gave five hundred-dollar bills rolled up and tied up tight in one of her nylon stockings to Booth. When their dad left he gave Lincoln ten fifties in a handerkerchief and told him to hide it. It seems like both parents thought by giving their kids money; it would make them feel better that their parents were leaving for good. As Booth and Lincoln grew up, from time to time they would talk about their past. They thought of many reasons of why their parents left them. Booth thought maybe they had been scheming together all along. They had left separately but will arrive at the same place at the same time, and renewed their wedding vows, maybe they got another family. Lincoln thought maybe they had two new boys. By their mom and dad leaving while they were just kids, I believe that it scared them for life. They had self âesteem problems and they were both child like. They never had a real chance to be teenagers. They had to learn how to be responsible in a short amount o time. How could someoneâs parents leave without giving their children a real explanation?
A seedily furnished rooming house room. A bed, reclining chair, a small wooden chair, and some other stuff but not much else, was where both Booth and Lincoln lived. Although it was Boothâs apartment, Lincoln brought home the money and paid all of the bills. Booth was Lincolnâs little brother, so it just seems like Lincoln was always looking out for Booth and taking care of him. Their relationship was weird. Rocky I would say Booth once slept with Lincoln ex wife cookie. While reading the play, I discovered that it seemed like Booth always wanted what Lincoln had. Booth came across as if he was jealous of him. I feel like although Booth and Lincoln had suffered from the abandonment of their parents, Lincoln had dealt with it better. He had a better head on his shoulders. Booth knew that and that was why at the end of everything, he would then shoot his brother. He knew that he could never feel that he was somebody until his brother was dead. As Booth shots Lincoln, Lincoln slumps forward. After talking about how he saved his inheritances and Lincoln didnât. I think he realized what he done and sat aside Lincoln body, hugging him close and began to cry. We all do things that many regret but there is a difference between being envious and being jealous. Jealousy will leave you angry but being envious will lead you to kill.
Someone could ask themselves what if? But does asking yourself âWhat ifâ really make differences? What if it was all meant to be and growing up in a certain neighbor didnât matter. What if what happens is our destiny. What if we canât control what happens, because everything is already planned out for us. What if Booth and Lincoln grew up with their parents still around and Booth still shot Lincoln. Would environment vs. nature still play a part?
This is fine:
Booth and Link are brothers who have had a difficult childhood. When they were just thirteen and sixteen, their mom packed her bags and left. The day that she was leaving, Booth and Link were on their way to school. Booth had a feeling that something was going on, so he decided to cut school. Booth said, ââShe was putting her stuff in bags, she had all them nice suitcases but she was putting her stuff in bagsâ. Two years after their mom left, their dad did too. They talked about how their dad had nice clothes. Booth said âWhat he didnât spend on booze he spent on women and what he didnât spend on them two he spent on clothesâ.
Lincoln and Boothâs relationship with their parents really did not exist. In my opinion they did not have any relationship with their parents. Both of their parents left when the boys were just teenagers. When their mother left, she gave five hundred-dollar bills rolled up and tied up tight in one of her nylon stockings to Booth. When their dad left he gave Lincoln ten fifties in a handerkerchief and told him to hide it. It seems like both parents thought by giving their kids money; it would make them feel better that their parents were leaving for good. As Booth and Lincoln grew up, from time to time they would talk about their past. They thought of many reasons of why their parents left them. Booth thought maybe they had been scheming together all along. They had left separately but will arrive at the same place at the same time, and renewed their wedding vows, maybe they got another family. Lincoln thought maybe they had two new boys. By their mom and dad leaving while they were just kids, I believe that it scared them for life. They had self âesteem problems and they were both child like. They never had a real chance to be teenagers. They had to learn how to be responsible in a short amount o time. How could someoneâs parents leave without giving their children a real explanation?
A seedily furnished rooming house room. A bed, reclining chair, a small wooden chair, and some other stuff but not much else, was where both Booth and Lincoln lived. Although it was Boothâs apartment, Lincoln brought home the money and paid all of the bills. Booth was Lincolnâs little brother, so it just seems like Lincoln was always looking out for Booth and taking care of him. Their relationship was weird. Rocky I would say Booth once slept with Lincoln ex wife cookie. While reading the play, I discovered that it seemed like Booth always wanted what Lincoln had. Booth came across as if he was jealous of him. I feel like although Booth and Lincoln had suffered from the abandonment of their parents, Lincoln had dealt with it better. He had a better head on his shoulders. Booth knew that and that was why at the end of everything, he would then shoot his brother. He knew that he could never feel that he was somebody until his brother was dead. As Booth shots Lincoln, Lincoln slumps forward. After talking about how he saved his inheritances and Lincoln didnât. I think he realized what he done and sat aside Lincoln body, hugging him close and began to cry. We all do things that many regret but there is a difference between being envious and being jealous. Jealousy will leave you angry but being envious will lead you to kill.
Someone could ask themselves what if? But does asking yourself âWhat ifâ really make differences? What if it was all meant to be and growing up in a certain neighbor didnât matter. What if what happens is our destiny. What if we canât control what happens, because everything is already planned out for us. What if Booth and Lincoln grew up with their parents still around and Booth still shot Lincoln. Would environment vs. nature still play a part?
What are things we dont think about when we see a veteran?
angela s
I need to know some good things to write about them for a essay .
Titled :Why we should honor our veterans
So I need some Ideas why we should honor our veterans and somethings about them we dont think about when we see a veterian and what we could do to better reconize them for it
Thanks for reading and hopefully giving me and answer thanks
Ps: Please make sence and clearly detail it as this is mostlikely going in my story and this book is going national to judges thanks so much
As a veteran myself- When I first signed up for the Navy we always have in the back of our minds that we will be fine, we will come home when our time is up and in the meantime see a lot of the world and party, We were young and not much else was on our minds,
We dont realize that as one person in the military we have no real idea what the impact that we will make on ourself, or on the rest of our country, Myself at age 18 I was in the Navy, when alot of my buddies were partying dating girls, all the fun stuff that teenagers love to do, and I was standing at "Parade Rest", or marching to breakfast or "chow" at 4:30 in the morning, After all the bootcamp and schools I was assigned to a ship, Now that thought again about only being one person, but if the other "one persons" that made up the crew of the ship, if they were not there the ship would have no purpose, we made up the crew that in turn had to run and drive and maintain the ship,
When we would go on our cruise it was usually going to be about 6 months at least, so the married guys, the guys with gf's, or even those with family close by would have to tell the loved one "Good Bye" for 6 months, Imagine yourself not seeing your BF or you Folks, or your BFF and not being able to see them any or all for a least 6 months, there are times that alone can be hard to handle, In the process of that Cruise we wake up and look around and nothing but ocean all around, day in and day out, week after week Ocean all around, cut off from the rest of the world, even mail takes a bit longer, Now one thing I havent mentioned yet - Kids, they are the ones that dont understand why the parent is not home yet for weeks on end, and the parent missing the first words, the first steps, all the little things that some take for granted can mean so much to a military person half a world away, I know when I was overseas I couldnt wait to get back home during the summer so I could mow the lawn, I dont know why but I really associated that with being at Home, Hey there were times I even missed something as simple as washing dishes, I am sure each person that has served has their own little things they miss, but the one thing we all have or had in common - The United States Of America and all the wonderful people that make up the Best place in the world to live, We have such a wonderful way of life here and so many take it for granted or feel the world owes them,
Being a Veteran, my time in the military made me do things I never really wanted to do- the first of which I am very glad I did and that was GROW UP, and learn to take responsibility for my actions, another lesson learned was I am glad I dont live in one of these 3rd world countries we see in the commercials for starving children, Being in the military is a sacrifice for many people joining, but what many dont see is the sacrifice made by the gf's, wive's, and children, A Mom who has to be Mom and dad and still maintain a household,
Now I was on a ship I had it pretty well all things considered, The Veterans that are coming back from Iraq in Body Bags because they gave the Ultimate sacrifice, maybe they had kids or a wife or gf that will have the last time they held each other or spoke to hold on to as the final memory, or there are others that come home only to be confined to a bed or a wheelchair for the rest of their life, that is a sacrifice like no other, If I wasnt able to get up and do things on my own - If I had to call someone everytime I needed something because I am missing both legs, or I may still have them but I cant walk since the Humvee hit a landmine, or if I didnt have use of my arms so I could remind those I love with a hug, That would be a sacrifice, I would actually rather be dead if I couldnt hold the ones I love,
So actually the sacrifice comes in many more ways than we stop and think about, Maybe you know someone whos dad was in the military and they had to move around alot, have to make new friends every 2 or 3 years, thats another we dont stop and think about, From the Active Duty person Overseas, or the family without a parent for 6 months or 2 years till whenever they get home, the children who meet their dad after he comes home and they have no idea who he is because hes been gone so long, the sacrifices are many and made by many, But one thing they all have in Common - We do it because we Love our country and we love our Freedoms that we enjoy,
Remember, there may be a vet you know, many came home with PTSD, many more that probably had thought of or even attempted suicide for reasons we will never know, and sadly there are the ones that succeeded, I think we all go in feeling like it will never happen to us, we will be fine, But then someday the reality sets in, and that is something we can all see if we turn on the evening news and give thanks to the Veterans of the United States for all they have done and continue to do then the rest of our countr
As a veteran myself- When I first signed up for the Navy we always have in the back of our minds that we will be fine, we will come home when our time is up and in the meantime see a lot of the world and party, We were young and not much else was on our minds,
We dont realize that as one person in the military we have no real idea what the impact that we will make on ourself, or on the rest of our country, Myself at age 18 I was in the Navy, when alot of my buddies were partying dating girls, all the fun stuff that teenagers love to do, and I was standing at "Parade Rest", or marching to breakfast or "chow" at 4:30 in the morning, After all the bootcamp and schools I was assigned to a ship, Now that thought again about only being one person, but if the other "one persons" that made up the crew of the ship, if they were not there the ship would have no purpose, we made up the crew that in turn had to run and drive and maintain the ship,
When we would go on our cruise it was usually going to be about 6 months at least, so the married guys, the guys with gf's, or even those with family close by would have to tell the loved one "Good Bye" for 6 months, Imagine yourself not seeing your BF or you Folks, or your BFF and not being able to see them any or all for a least 6 months, there are times that alone can be hard to handle, In the process of that Cruise we wake up and look around and nothing but ocean all around, day in and day out, week after week Ocean all around, cut off from the rest of the world, even mail takes a bit longer, Now one thing I havent mentioned yet - Kids, they are the ones that dont understand why the parent is not home yet for weeks on end, and the parent missing the first words, the first steps, all the little things that some take for granted can mean so much to a military person half a world away, I know when I was overseas I couldnt wait to get back home during the summer so I could mow the lawn, I dont know why but I really associated that with being at Home, Hey there were times I even missed something as simple as washing dishes, I am sure each person that has served has their own little things they miss, but the one thing we all have or had in common - The United States Of America and all the wonderful people that make up the Best place in the world to live, We have such a wonderful way of life here and so many take it for granted or feel the world owes them,
Being a Veteran, my time in the military made me do things I never really wanted to do- the first of which I am very glad I did and that was GROW UP, and learn to take responsibility for my actions, another lesson learned was I am glad I dont live in one of these 3rd world countries we see in the commercials for starving children, Being in the military is a sacrifice for many people joining, but what many dont see is the sacrifice made by the gf's, wive's, and children, A Mom who has to be Mom and dad and still maintain a household,
Now I was on a ship I had it pretty well all things considered, The Veterans that are coming back from Iraq in Body Bags because they gave the Ultimate sacrifice, maybe they had kids or a wife or gf that will have the last time they held each other or spoke to hold on to as the final memory, or there are others that come home only to be confined to a bed or a wheelchair for the rest of their life, that is a sacrifice like no other, If I wasnt able to get up and do things on my own - If I had to call someone everytime I needed something because I am missing both legs, or I may still have them but I cant walk since the Humvee hit a landmine, or if I didnt have use of my arms so I could remind those I love with a hug, That would be a sacrifice, I would actually rather be dead if I couldnt hold the ones I love,
So actually the sacrifice comes in many more ways than we stop and think about, Maybe you know someone whos dad was in the military and they had to move around alot, have to make new friends every 2 or 3 years, thats another we dont stop and think about, From the Active Duty person Overseas, or the family without a parent for 6 months or 2 years till whenever they get home, the children who meet their dad after he comes home and they have no idea who he is because hes been gone so long, the sacrifices are many and made by many, But one thing they all have in Common - We do it because we Love our country and we love our Freedoms that we enjoy,
Remember, there may be a vet you know, many came home with PTSD, many more that probably had thought of or even attempted suicide for reasons we will never know, and sadly there are the ones that succeeded, I think we all go in feeling like it will never happen to us, we will be fine, But then someday the reality sets in, and that is something we can all see if we turn on the evening news and give thanks to the Veterans of the United States for all they have done and continue to do then the rest of our countr
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