school bags for kids facebook image
The camera doesn't need to have very good picture quality perhaps 3.5 mega pixels, needs to be fairly durable and compact and water resistant, however, it does not need to be water proof. The main thing is that it needs to be fairly cheap, under $150.
I bought Canon PowerShot SD1300IS for my wife to carry in her purse so she can shoot pictures and video of the kids while they're out and about, or when she drops in on them at their school. No camera bag needed, this camera fits in a zipped interior pocket of her purse.
I gave it to her and she was able to successfully power it on/off, shoot pictures, shoot video, zoom, delete bad shots, and navigate the menu system without referring to the manual. The point here is if you currently own a Canon point and shoot and are looking for an upgrade, the learning curve on the SD1300IS is almost zero. If you've never owned a Canon point and shoot, you will figure this one out very easily.
The 12MP pictures are stunning, but to be honest I can't tell the difference between the ones that are 12MP and the ones that are 8MP on my Canon S5IS. The pictures the Rebel XS takes are a notch above the others, definitely a noticeable difference there.
The video quality is 30fps 640x480 (plenty), same as my S5IS. The image stabilization is a must for this to be of any use, and works like a champ. A 4GB SDHC card holds about 32 minutes worth of video, 8GB 64 minutes, 16GB more than 2 hours! The video is very easy to transfer to your computer and burn to a DVD or upload to Facebook using the included USB cable. There is also an included cable that allows you to play video on your TV via the yellow video cable port.
The appearance of the camera is so cool. I bought my wife the green one, and it looks great. I like how the lens completely retracts into the body and covers itself with a protective layer. A handy camera strap is also included, which is good because this thing is so small I could see it slipping out of your hands.
All in all, a very easy to use, functional, attractive camera that I have no hesitation recommending!
I bought Canon PowerShot SD1300IS for my wife to carry in her purse so she can shoot pictures and video of the kids while they're out and about, or when she drops in on them at their school. No camera bag needed, this camera fits in a zipped interior pocket of her purse.
I gave it to her and she was able to successfully power it on/off, shoot pictures, shoot video, zoom, delete bad shots, and navigate the menu system without referring to the manual. The point here is if you currently own a Canon point and shoot and are looking for an upgrade, the learning curve on the SD1300IS is almost zero. If you've never owned a Canon point and shoot, you will figure this one out very easily.
The 12MP pictures are stunning, but to be honest I can't tell the difference between the ones that are 12MP and the ones that are 8MP on my Canon S5IS. The pictures the Rebel XS takes are a notch above the others, definitely a noticeable difference there.
The video quality is 30fps 640x480 (plenty), same as my S5IS. The image stabilization is a must for this to be of any use, and works like a champ. A 4GB SDHC card holds about 32 minutes worth of video, 8GB 64 minutes, 16GB more than 2 hours! The video is very easy to transfer to your computer and burn to a DVD or upload to Facebook using the included USB cable. There is also an included cable that allows you to play video on your TV via the yellow video cable port.
The appearance of the camera is so cool. I bought my wife the green one, and it looks great. I like how the lens completely retracts into the body and covers itself with a protective layer. A handy camera strap is also included, which is good because this thing is so small I could see it slipping out of your hands.
All in all, a very easy to use, functional, attractive camera that I have no hesitation recommending!
what are some tips for highschool?
Q. im gonna be a freshman in a public highschool coming from a cathloic school grade school. is there any tips or things is should know?
ok people im not as innocent as you think i am. i know what the worlds like with sex, drugs and crap like that.
ok people im not as innocent as you think i am. i know what the worlds like with sex, drugs and crap like that.
-dont stare at the pregnant teen moms, they get enough crap they dont need it from you
-dont walk reallly slow in the hall ways or stop
-dont act like your better than everyone else
-make as many friends as possible
-get involved in school, it may sound lame but it is fun
-dont hook up with a band geek, his friends will all hate you
-NEVER get really wasted and hook up with a lot of guys. You will be called a sl ut and an enormous amount of guys will want to get in your pants since it is obviously so easy
-If you have to disect a frog, JUST DO IT. It's honestly not that bad
-Never pretend you are drunk. Not cool
-That guy who sit's behind you is really nice- you should hook up with him
-Please wear a bra
-Dont wear heels to school
-It is not necessary to have 50 tampons in your school bag
-The Swim Team is a cult
-If you try hard enough you really can screw up your face during your ID picture
-The coffee they serve in the cafeteria in the morning tastes like a$s
-The best way to budge in the lunch line is so put everything you own in your book bag and use it to keep everyone at a distance from you
-No one cares who you were in middle school- so what if you were the 8th grade cheerleading captain? No one gives a $hit
-Half the time you bring your textbooks, you don't need them
-It IS possible to fall UP the stairs
-There will always be that annoying kid who can get hours of homework done in time to go to bed at a decent hour while you're up at 3:00 AM finishing a 5-page paper
-You can feel completely prepared for a test...and then fail
-Wearing sunglasses on your head in class is f^ucking weird
-I had no idea that alcohol could force you to have sex with your best friends boyfriend
-Honestly, 80% of the guys that talk to you want to hook up
-football games. GO TO THEM. PEOPLE GO TO THEM
-If you go drunk to football games you will get caught
-Dont skip gym..get over yourself...YOU NEED GYM TO GRADUATE
-Make friends with everyone who is rich and having a sweet sixteen party
-Leaving fake secret love notes in your friends lockers is really fun
-Not up for english today? Go to the nurse and tell them you need to lay down....for a half hour.
-Want to get known fast? Take pictures of yourself naked with your phone
-The most entertainging spot in the cafe? Between the goth kids and senior football players
-Teachers probably know just as much as you do about weed and alcohol
-It doesn't matter if you say excuse me, that girl standing in the middle of the hallway still isn't going to move
-If it looks too crowded, there is still probably room for you somewhere
-Only upperclassmen can paint their faces and bodies for football games, you cant
-You dont need to carry every single book you have all the time. This is why we have lockers
-Messenger bags = back pains
-Dont memorize your crush schedule and follow him to class
-Most of the cheerleaders aren't as hot as everyother teenage movie makes them out to be
-You want to talk politics and relgion at lunch? DONT DO IT
-TRY EVERYTHING. You want to take art, you take art. No one cares if you suck
-Make friends with the geeks. They know how to unblock myspace/facebook in computer class
-The person next to you in English Class is probably cooler than you size them up to be
-Your guidence counselor doesn't really know your name..unless you're really smart/bug him a lot
-It doesn't matter how smart you are, it matters what you get on your report card
-No matter what your health teacher says, half the people in your health class have had sex
-It takes only a period's time for 3,300 people to find out that Mary-Ann did in fact get drunk and have sex with her bestfriend's prom date
-People will do pretty much anything for attention
-AP kids are 50% snobbish and 50% awesome
-Marching Band is the most sexually active club of the school
-Thespians really do hug and kiss eachother as much as they are rumored to
-You really will not remember anything you learned in algebra class over spring break
-If you are skipping, act like you have a destination and no one will mess with you
-Skip. Skip as many classes as possible without getting caught
-Your gym teacher doesn't care if you feel comfortable in leggings, she's going to take points off anyway
-No one cares how "fuck*ng wasted" you got last saturday
-It's really cool that you love your school....but honestly your wardrobe cant consist of sweatshirts with your school logo on them
-Yeah that kid you saw on the first day of school....dont be creepy. If he wants to hook up let him come to you. Dont be too forward
-Never run through the halls screaming, this makes people mad
-Never steal anyones booze
-You dont know the kid who is throwing the house party? Go anyway, odds are he wont care
-Live for the weekends
-Study for tests
-Dont get too dressed up for school, it's just kinda weird
-Always make sure you are on the right bus
-FACE IT if you look emo, dress emo, or listen to emo music...PEOPLE WILL CALL YOU EMO
-Dont change for any guy
-Dont get upset if you dont develop a new group of doesnt happen over night it takes a while
-You dont have to be friends with everyone, chill out
-Dont be annoying in class. You dont have to say something every second
-Please bathe. If you smell, everyone will know
-No one really cares where you sit at lunch
-Swimming will probably be the best class you ever take. Dont be a b*tch about getting your hair wet.
-Spark notes is $hit. Most teachers know you use it and make questions to stump the slackers. READ THE BOOK
-When doing your critical paper, do not slack off! This is important
-Dont be stuck up. Odds are some girl is going to call you out on it
-dont stare at the pregnant teen moms, they get enough crap they dont need it from you
-dont walk reallly slow in the hall ways or stop
-dont act like your better than everyone else
-make as many friends as possible
-get involved in school, it may sound lame but it is fun
-dont hook up with a band geek, his friends will all hate you
-NEVER get really wasted and hook up with a lot of guys. You will be called a sl ut and an enormous amount of guys will want to get in your pants since it is obviously so easy
-If you have to disect a frog, JUST DO IT. It's honestly not that bad
-Never pretend you are drunk. Not cool
-That guy who sit's behind you is really nice- you should hook up with him
-Please wear a bra
-Dont wear heels to school
-It is not necessary to have 50 tampons in your school bag
-The Swim Team is a cult
-If you try hard enough you really can screw up your face during your ID picture
-The coffee they serve in the cafeteria in the morning tastes like a$s
-The best way to budge in the lunch line is so put everything you own in your book bag and use it to keep everyone at a distance from you
-No one cares who you were in middle school- so what if you were the 8th grade cheerleading captain? No one gives a $hit
-Half the time you bring your textbooks, you don't need them
-It IS possible to fall UP the stairs
-There will always be that annoying kid who can get hours of homework done in time to go to bed at a decent hour while you're up at 3:00 AM finishing a 5-page paper
-You can feel completely prepared for a test...and then fail
-Wearing sunglasses on your head in class is f^ucking weird
-I had no idea that alcohol could force you to have sex with your best friends boyfriend
-Honestly, 80% of the guys that talk to you want to hook up
-football games. GO TO THEM. PEOPLE GO TO THEM
-If you go drunk to football games you will get caught
-Dont skip gym..get over yourself...YOU NEED GYM TO GRADUATE
-Make friends with everyone who is rich and having a sweet sixteen party
-Leaving fake secret love notes in your friends lockers is really fun
-Not up for english today? Go to the nurse and tell them you need to lay down....for a half hour.
-Want to get known fast? Take pictures of yourself naked with your phone
-The most entertainging spot in the cafe? Between the goth kids and senior football players
-Teachers probably know just as much as you do about weed and alcohol
-It doesn't matter if you say excuse me, that girl standing in the middle of the hallway still isn't going to move
-If it looks too crowded, there is still probably room for you somewhere
-Only upperclassmen can paint their faces and bodies for football games, you cant
-You dont need to carry every single book you have all the time. This is why we have lockers
-Messenger bags = back pains
-Dont memorize your crush schedule and follow him to class
-Most of the cheerleaders aren't as hot as everyother teenage movie makes them out to be
-You want to talk politics and relgion at lunch? DONT DO IT
-TRY EVERYTHING. You want to take art, you take art. No one cares if you suck
-Make friends with the geeks. They know how to unblock myspace/facebook in computer class
-The person next to you in English Class is probably cooler than you size them up to be
-Your guidence counselor doesn't really know your name..unless you're really smart/bug him a lot
-It doesn't matter how smart you are, it matters what you get on your report card
-No matter what your health teacher says, half the people in your health class have had sex
-It takes only a period's time for 3,300 people to find out that Mary-Ann did in fact get drunk and have sex with her bestfriend's prom date
-People will do pretty much anything for attention
-AP kids are 50% snobbish and 50% awesome
-Marching Band is the most sexually active club of the school
-Thespians really do hug and kiss eachother as much as they are rumored to
-You really will not remember anything you learned in algebra class over spring break
-If you are skipping, act like you have a destination and no one will mess with you
-Skip. Skip as many classes as possible without getting caught
-Your gym teacher doesn't care if you feel comfortable in leggings, she's going to take points off anyway
-No one cares how "fuck*ng wasted" you got last saturday
-It's really cool that you love your school....but honestly your wardrobe cant consist of sweatshirts with your school logo on them
-Yeah that kid you saw on the first day of school....dont be creepy. If he wants to hook up let him come to you. Dont be too forward
-Never run through the halls screaming, this makes people mad
-Never steal anyones booze
-You dont know the kid who is throwing the house party? Go anyway, odds are he wont care
-Live for the weekends
-Study for tests
-Dont get too dressed up for school, it's just kinda weird
-Always make sure you are on the right bus
-FACE IT if you look emo, dress emo, or listen to emo music...PEOPLE WILL CALL YOU EMO
-Dont change for any guy
-Dont get upset if you dont develop a new group of doesnt happen over night it takes a while
-You dont have to be friends with everyone, chill out
-Dont be annoying in class. You dont have to say something every second
-Please bathe. If you smell, everyone will know
-No one really cares where you sit at lunch
-Swimming will probably be the best class you ever take. Dont be a b*tch about getting your hair wet.
-Spark notes is $hit. Most teachers know you use it and make questions to stump the slackers. READ THE BOOK
-When doing your critical paper, do not slack off! This is important
-Dont be stuck up. Odds are some girl is going to call you out on it
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Title Post: What is a good value, cheap digital camera?
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Author: Yukie
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Rating: 95% based on 9768 ratings. 4,5 user reviews.
Author: Yukie
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