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At my school we normaly have a party after graduation for the whole class in our gym. This year we are having a difficult time planning and finding activities.
Why the Gym...why don't you use the school field for a fun event.
Needs alot of VOLUNTEERS... start planning now!!!
DECORATIONS: Mortarboards and tassels are the natural decoration themes for the graduation bash. Look for congratulatory banners and balloons, and decorate flowers and tablecloths in the school colors to add to the school spirit. Plus⦠make it A Luau Party⦠Itâs an aloha party because it means hello and goodbye. âWe are saying goodbye to a dear friends, but in a fun spirited way.â Itâs not a sad party; itâs a fun party to remember the good times. Have all the 8th graders and guests wear their summer clothes. Provide your guests with fake leis as they enter the party.
Photos, photos, photos.
To really bring everybody to their knees about how much they're going to miss the person/people leaving, you need photo camera!
Food: Pick any items.
Pizza - order or create your own.
Baked Potato Bar - Baked potato, sour cream, bacon bits, cheese, butter.
Tacos Bar - Beef, tacos, sour cream, lettuce, tomato, cheese, salsa.
Salad Bar - salads, veggies, chicken salad, crab salad, bacon bits, tomatoes, broccoli, etc.
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Nachos - Beef, melted cheese, salsa, tomato, olives, jalapeño peppers.
Hamburgers â Buns, mayo, mustard, lettuce, tomato, cheese, pickle, onion.
Hot Dogs â Bun, mustard, ketchup, relish, red onion.
Snacks: Pick any items.
Chips and Dip
Veggie Tray with Dip
Fruit Tray
Ice cream Sundaes
Sparkling Water Bottles
Face/Body Painting:
Have a friends/volunteers do a fake body tattoo design using face paints or cool color marker pens.
Do you have an ipod? Set it up with a good stereo system. If you donât have one, ask one of your friends who does. Also if youâre in the mood, have a karaoke; this will be a fun entertainment!!!
Farewell music tips:
Forever Young / Chris Isaak
Leaving on a Jet Plane / Peter, Paul & Mary
Say Goodbye / Dave Matthews Band
Thank You / Dido
Changes / Black Sabbath
Going to California / Led Zeppelin
Wild Horses / Rolling Stones
Take the Money and Run / Steve Miller Band
Follow Me Up to Carlow / Young Dubliners
In the Cold Cold Night / White Stripes
Mrs. Robinson / Simon and Garfunkel
Graduation Day / Kanye West
Congratulations / The Rolling Stones
Schoolâs Out / Alice Cooper
Old Friends / Willie Nelson
Forever Young / Alphaville
Goodbye / The Corrs
Graduation (Friends Forever) / Vitamin C
We Go Together / Grease Soundtrack
Shout / The Isley Brothers
or your way....
Cool Games Ideas:
FLAG FOOTBALL- Guys against girls or combine players
Have a limbo contest!
Have a Hula Hoop contest!
Teach people the hula dance
1.Make an Olympic Torch. Have teams with at least 2 runners on each team (preferably 4 runners), and have a relay race by passing the torch.
2.Set up an obstacle course at park using lawn furniture, old tires, and anything else you can find that people have to go around, climb under or over, and go through.
3.Make some Water Weights and have a weight lifting competition.
4.Play volleyball, but instead of trying to hit the ball back and forth, each team must catch the ball with a blanket and throw it back the same way!
5.Set up six 2-liter soda pop bottles (put a few inches of water in the bottom of each bottle) like bowling pins, and see who can knock the most down by kicking a soccer ball.
6.Make your own Bean Bags and have a throwing competition. Use boxes, cans, paper bags, etc to make targets.
7.Try this peanut toss game. Who can get the most peanuts in?
8.Try a Tug-O-War team! For added fun, place the center of the rope over a small, inflatable swimming pool. From pulling, whomever team who touches the water in the pool first loses.
9.Put an egg on a spoon and walk across an area; make an obstacle course if you like. If you don't want to use an egg, try a marshmallow.
10.Have a discus and/or javelin-throwing contest using paper plates and drinking straws.
11.Make tennis rackets and set up a tennis competition.
This fast-paced race lets winners go out with a real bang. Need: balloons.
1. Assemble each team in single file with the first player in each line holding a balloon.
2. When the whistle blows, each lead player passes the balloon between her legs to the next person in line. Each recipient, in turn, passes the balloon overhead to the teammate directly behind her.
3. The balloon is passed alternately between players' legs and over players' heads all the way down the line. When the last person receives the balloon, he or she races to the front of the line and the balloon pass resumes.
4. The relay continues in this fashion until one of the original players regains position at the front of her line and pops the team balloon.
Suck or eat a long strand of licorice as fast as you can. Very long thin pieces of licorice for each player. As many players you can get to play. Need: Buy a big box of strawberry laces or licorice (the longer the better). Everyone has to put one end in his or her mouths. The idea is to lick/suck up the lace without using your hands as quick as possible. The room will go silent with the concentration then explode in a fit of giggles when every sees everyone else looking silly! The winner is the first to eat their lace all up yes they can chew donât want them to choke.
Try to throw Cheetos at your teammate and make them stick to their head covered with shaving cream. 6 or more players. Needs: plastic shower caps, Cheetos, and shaving creams. One person is seated on a chair. A plastic shower cap (or plastic wrap) is placed on the individual's head. Shaving cream is applied over the entire shower cap. The other team member or members stand behind a line opposite the seated player. During a preset period of time (60-120 seconds), team members throw Cheetos at the seated player and attempt to get them to stick on the shaving cream. The seated player can assist by moving his head to help "catch" the Cheetos.
The team with the most Cheetos stuck on the shaving cream wins.
Try to catch water balloons! Need: water balloons. With each successful catch move further and further apart. Pair off players into groups of two and have them face their partner about 3 feet apart. Begin tossing balloons to each other. Every time the balloon is caught the player that caught the balloon takes a step back. Eventually someone is going to get wet!
You win by being the furthers apart while still successfully catching the water balloon
BLIND BEACH VOLLEYBALL (Set This Up Before Guests Arrive)
Volleyball played with a beach ball and with no visibility to the other side of the court. Active. A lot of movement may be required. 6 or more players. Needs: Volleyball court and net, beach ball and sheets or blankets. Standard volleyball rules apply. Except that a blanket or sheet is draped over the net preventing each team from knowing when the ball is coming. A beach ball should be used instead of a standard volleyball. One team serves and the other team has three hits to get it over the net. Serves cannot be returned on the first hit. The first hit for the receiving team must be an underhand hit (a bump). If the ball touches the ground before going over the net, it is returned to the other team for another serve. If a serving team can keep the opposing team from returning the ball, they score a point. If the serving team allows the ball to touch the ground or has greater than three hits, the ball moves to the other team and they serve. The ball must stay within the court boundaries or else a side out results. First team to 15 wins.
Wet Sponge Relay
Players arrange themselves in a straight line, with a full bucket of water at one end of the line and an empty bucket at the other end. Players dunk the sponges in the water and then pass the wet sponges down the line, with the last person wringing the wet sponge into the bucket and passing it back. The object is to fill the empty bucket with water using only a sponge. The first team to fill their empty bucket wins. Evenly divided into two teams. Needs: Four buckets, two sponges. Time Required: 20 minutes
Wet T-shirt Relay Game
Form two teams. The first persons must run to the bucket that is filled with water and ices, she/he must pull out a soaked cold t-shirt out of the bucket, puts on the wet t-shirt, then runs down the field (24 feet away from the bucket) around a cone and back to the bucket, take off
the t-shirt and put the t-shirt back in the ice/cold water bucket, she/he then run back to her/his next team player in line. The second team player person repeats this process. They go through the whole line. The first team/group done wins. Needs: two big buckets, two x-large t-shirts, two team player groups of friends.
Good Luck and Graduation!!!
Why the Gym...why don't you use the school field for a fun event.
Needs alot of VOLUNTEERS... start planning now!!!
DECORATIONS: Mortarboards and tassels are the natural decoration themes for the graduation bash. Look for congratulatory banners and balloons, and decorate flowers and tablecloths in the school colors to add to the school spirit. Plus⦠make it A Luau Party⦠Itâs an aloha party because it means hello and goodbye. âWe are saying goodbye to a dear friends, but in a fun spirited way.â Itâs not a sad party; itâs a fun party to remember the good times. Have all the 8th graders and guests wear their summer clothes. Provide your guests with fake leis as they enter the party.
Photos, photos, photos.
To really bring everybody to their knees about how much they're going to miss the person/people leaving, you need photo camera!
Food: Pick any items.
Pizza - order or create your own.
Baked Potato Bar - Baked potato, sour cream, bacon bits, cheese, butter.
Tacos Bar - Beef, tacos, sour cream, lettuce, tomato, cheese, salsa.
Salad Bar - salads, veggies, chicken salad, crab salad, bacon bits, tomatoes, broccoli, etc.
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Nachos - Beef, melted cheese, salsa, tomato, olives, jalapeño peppers.
Hamburgers â Buns, mayo, mustard, lettuce, tomato, cheese, pickle, onion.
Hot Dogs â Bun, mustard, ketchup, relish, red onion.
Snacks: Pick any items.
Chips and Dip
Veggie Tray with Dip
Fruit Tray
Ice cream Sundaes
Sparkling Water Bottles
Face/Body Painting:
Have a friends/volunteers do a fake body tattoo design using face paints or cool color marker pens.
Do you have an ipod? Set it up with a good stereo system. If you donât have one, ask one of your friends who does. Also if youâre in the mood, have a karaoke; this will be a fun entertainment!!!
Farewell music tips:
Forever Young / Chris Isaak
Leaving on a Jet Plane / Peter, Paul & Mary
Say Goodbye / Dave Matthews Band
Thank You / Dido
Changes / Black Sabbath
Going to California / Led Zeppelin
Wild Horses / Rolling Stones
Take the Money and Run / Steve Miller Band
Follow Me Up to Carlow / Young Dubliners
In the Cold Cold Night / White Stripes
Mrs. Robinson / Simon and Garfunkel
Graduation Day / Kanye West
Congratulations / The Rolling Stones
Schoolâs Out / Alice Cooper
Old Friends / Willie Nelson
Forever Young / Alphaville
Goodbye / The Corrs
Graduation (Friends Forever) / Vitamin C
We Go Together / Grease Soundtrack
Shout / The Isley Brothers
or your way....
Cool Games Ideas:
FLAG FOOTBALL- Guys against girls or combine players
Have a limbo contest!
Have a Hula Hoop contest!
Teach people the hula dance
1.Make an Olympic Torch. Have teams with at least 2 runners on each team (preferably 4 runners), and have a relay race by passing the torch.
2.Set up an obstacle course at park using lawn furniture, old tires, and anything else you can find that people have to go around, climb under or over, and go through.
3.Make some Water Weights and have a weight lifting competition.
4.Play volleyball, but instead of trying to hit the ball back and forth, each team must catch the ball with a blanket and throw it back the same way!
5.Set up six 2-liter soda pop bottles (put a few inches of water in the bottom of each bottle) like bowling pins, and see who can knock the most down by kicking a soccer ball.
6.Make your own Bean Bags and have a throwing competition. Use boxes, cans, paper bags, etc to make targets.
7.Try this peanut toss game. Who can get the most peanuts in?
8.Try a Tug-O-War team! For added fun, place the center of the rope over a small, inflatable swimming pool. From pulling, whomever team who touches the water in the pool first loses.
9.Put an egg on a spoon and walk across an area; make an obstacle course if you like. If you don't want to use an egg, try a marshmallow.
10.Have a discus and/or javelin-throwing contest using paper plates and drinking straws.
11.Make tennis rackets and set up a tennis competition.
This fast-paced race lets winners go out with a real bang. Need: balloons.
1. Assemble each team in single file with the first player in each line holding a balloon.
2. When the whistle blows, each lead player passes the balloon between her legs to the next person in line. Each recipient, in turn, passes the balloon overhead to the teammate directly behind her.
3. The balloon is passed alternately between players' legs and over players' heads all the way down the line. When the last person receives the balloon, he or she races to the front of the line and the balloon pass resumes.
4. The relay continues in this fashion until one of the original players regains position at the front of her line and pops the team balloon.
Suck or eat a long strand of licorice as fast as you can. Very long thin pieces of licorice for each player. As many players you can get to play. Need: Buy a big box of strawberry laces or licorice (the longer the better). Everyone has to put one end in his or her mouths. The idea is to lick/suck up the lace without using your hands as quick as possible. The room will go silent with the concentration then explode in a fit of giggles when every sees everyone else looking silly! The winner is the first to eat their lace all up yes they can chew donât want them to choke.
Try to throw Cheetos at your teammate and make them stick to their head covered with shaving cream. 6 or more players. Needs: plastic shower caps, Cheetos, and shaving creams. One person is seated on a chair. A plastic shower cap (or plastic wrap) is placed on the individual's head. Shaving cream is applied over the entire shower cap. The other team member or members stand behind a line opposite the seated player. During a preset period of time (60-120 seconds), team members throw Cheetos at the seated player and attempt to get them to stick on the shaving cream. The seated player can assist by moving his head to help "catch" the Cheetos.
The team with the most Cheetos stuck on the shaving cream wins.
Try to catch water balloons! Need: water balloons. With each successful catch move further and further apart. Pair off players into groups of two and have them face their partner about 3 feet apart. Begin tossing balloons to each other. Every time the balloon is caught the player that caught the balloon takes a step back. Eventually someone is going to get wet!
You win by being the furthers apart while still successfully catching the water balloon
BLIND BEACH VOLLEYBALL (Set This Up Before Guests Arrive)
Volleyball played with a beach ball and with no visibility to the other side of the court. Active. A lot of movement may be required. 6 or more players. Needs: Volleyball court and net, beach ball and sheets or blankets. Standard volleyball rules apply. Except that a blanket or sheet is draped over the net preventing each team from knowing when the ball is coming. A beach ball should be used instead of a standard volleyball. One team serves and the other team has three hits to get it over the net. Serves cannot be returned on the first hit. The first hit for the receiving team must be an underhand hit (a bump). If the ball touches the ground before going over the net, it is returned to the other team for another serve. If a serving team can keep the opposing team from returning the ball, they score a point. If the serving team allows the ball to touch the ground or has greater than three hits, the ball moves to the other team and they serve. The ball must stay within the court boundaries or else a side out results. First team to 15 wins.
Wet Sponge Relay
Players arrange themselves in a straight line, with a full bucket of water at one end of the line and an empty bucket at the other end. Players dunk the sponges in the water and then pass the wet sponges down the line, with the last person wringing the wet sponge into the bucket and passing it back. The object is to fill the empty bucket with water using only a sponge. The first team to fill their empty bucket wins. Evenly divided into two teams. Needs: Four buckets, two sponges. Time Required: 20 minutes
Wet T-shirt Relay Game
Form two teams. The first persons must run to the bucket that is filled with water and ices, she/he must pull out a soaked cold t-shirt out of the bucket, puts on the wet t-shirt, then runs down the field (24 feet away from the bucket) around a cone and back to the bucket, take off
the t-shirt and put the t-shirt back in the ice/cold water bucket, she/he then run back to her/his next team player in line. The second team player person repeats this process. They go through the whole line. The first team/group done wins. Needs: two big buckets, two x-large t-shirts, two team player groups of friends.
Good Luck and Graduation!!!
What to bring on a school indoor camping trip?
I'm going on a Leadership Indoor Camping Trip with my school next week, and they didn't give us a list of things to bring. I know that it is classified as "Indoor camping" because we will be staying in bunks and there are indoor bathrooms. What do you bring when you go camping with school?
Technically, if you're sleeping indoors, in beds, it might be called "camp" as in summer camp, but it isn't camping as in a tent.
For that sort of thing I wouldn't bring anything more than for a sleepover at a friends' or a hotel vacation. Just bring changes of clothes, extra shoes, pajamas, sleeping bag, pillow, hygiene products, shower kit, laundry bag, bath towel, hand towels, shower sandals...
If you'll be doing any sports, physical games, sightseeing, or other outdoor activities be sure to bring clothes and shoes you can play in, along with a hat and sunscreen.
Technically, if you're sleeping indoors, in beds, it might be called "camp" as in summer camp, but it isn't camping as in a tent.
For that sort of thing I wouldn't bring anything more than for a sleepover at a friends' or a hotel vacation. Just bring changes of clothes, extra shoes, pajamas, sleeping bag, pillow, hygiene products, shower kit, laundry bag, bath towel, hand towels, shower sandals...
If you'll be doing any sports, physical games, sightseeing, or other outdoor activities be sure to bring clothes and shoes you can play in, along with a hat and sunscreen.
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Title Post: What are some good ideas to do at an after graduation party for 8th graders. Games? Dance?
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