quirky school bags image
Hello, My name is Bryan and I am currently using my school internet. Though I need codes in here, because ALL code websites are blocked!
So can you please write all the codes in here!
I don't care what they are but as long if they work! :]
ok lets see how much of this will paste before it cuts off
Shiny Encounter
02071D78 47104A00
02071D7C 02000031
94000130 FCFE0200
0207406C 47084900
02074070 02000001
02073E3C 47084900
02073E40 02000051
12073E30 000046C0
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FCFE0100
0207406C 95019000
02074070 90022000
02073E3C 43200400
02073E40 1C28900D
12073E30 0000d107
D2000000 00000000
62000000 95019000
E2000000 00000080
95019000 90022000
1C28B40d F0754907
1C01FF13 2901BC0D
4902d101 49024708
00004708 02074075
02074053 00000000
95019000 69384A04
98046010 4b019a09
00004718 02071D81
0200002C 00000000
43200400 4907B401
F0756809 1C01FEED
2901BC01 4904D001
900D4708 49031C28
00004708 0200002C
02073E33 02073E45
D2000000 00000000
To activate, go to your trainer card, press and hold "R", then press "A". To deactivate, go to your trainer card, press and hold "L", then press "A". This makes all wild, legendary, and egg Pokemon shiny.
Made by SCV
USA Wild Pokemon, Level and Nature Modifier
94000130 FDFF0000
94000130 FDFF0000
B2101D40 00000000
D9000000 00111D10
C0000000 0000000C
DC000000 00000004
D6000000 000233E8
D1000000 00000000
C0000000 0000000A
D6000000 000233E8
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FEFF0000
B2101D40 00000000
D9000000 00111D10
C0000000 0000000C
D6000000 000233E8
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
B2101D40 00000000
DA000000 00111D10
D4000000 00002400
D3000000 00000000
D7000000 0207404C
D2000000 00000000
To set Pokemon:
Enter the National Dex number of the pokemon you want into the calculator and press L.
To set Level:
Enter the level (1-100), that you want your pokemon to be into the calculator and press R.
To set Nature:
Enter the Nature Number of the nature you want the pokemon to have and press Select.
â¢Corresponding Nature and Number List:
0) Hardy
1) Lonely
2) Brave
3) Adamant
4) Naughty
5) Bold
6) Docile
7) Relaxed
8) Impish
9) Lax
10) Timid
11) Hasty
12) Serious
13) Jolly
14) Naive
15) Modest
16) Mild
17) Quiet
18) Bashful
19) Rash
20) Calm
21) Gentle
22) Sassy
23) Careful
24) Quirky
Watch this video for more information.
Made by SCV
New Alternate Forms on Wi-Fi-Union Room
921F6CFA 00002870
121F6CFA 000028FF
D2000000 00000000
921F6D7C 000001DF
121F6D7C 000001EE
D2000000 00000000
921F6D48 0000217B
121F6D48 0000217C
D2000000 00000000
Made by SCV
100 Percent Catch Rate
9224A948 00002801
1224A948 00004280
D2000000 00000000
Revised Revised by damio
Catch Trainers Pokemon
52249CF4 B0562019
12249CF4 0000E00A
D0000000 00000000
Revised Revised by damio
Fast Egg Hatch
12074F2A 00002000
12074F2E 00007338
Revised Made by SCV, Revised by damio
No Banned Pokemon in the Battle Tower
120F05BE 00000000
C0000000 00000009
020F05C0 00000000
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
Revised Made and Revised by damio
Vs Seeker Is Always Fully Charged
1206B01E 00002064
Made by SCV
US Platinum IV Check Code
920748F0 0000E119
120748F2 00009800
120748F4 00008880
1207491A 00006972
0207491C 400B1C23
02074920 21004002
02074924 40592000
12074928 00004050
94000130 FFF30000
120748F2 0000480B
120748F4 00004700
0207491A 47104A02
02074920 02000101
02074924 02000129
12074928 0000BC10
D2000000 00000000
62000100 402E1C26
E2000100 00000048
9F04B4F0 69343790
06E52000 803D0EED
09643702 28061C40
BCF0D1F7 88809800
47284D00 020748F7
6972B410 400B1C23
21004002 40592000
4C014050 46C04720
02074929 00000000
D2000000 00000000
1) Go to the summary screen for the pokemon you want to check the IVs.
2) Hold start+select, move through all the pages of the summary
3) Let go of start+select.
4) Exit summary screen.
5) Go to the current stats for the pokemon (in the summary)
6) Enjoy
Made by SCV
US Platinum IV Check Code, TM bag
920748F0 0000E119
120748F2 00009800
120748F4 00008880
1207491A 00006972
0207491C 400B1C23
02074920 21004002
02074924 40592000
12074928 00004050
94000130 FFF30000
120748F2 0000480B
120748F4 00004700
0207491A 47104A02
02074920 02000101
02074924 02000141
12074928 0000BC10
D2000000 00000000
62000100 402E1C26
E2000100 00000060
4f0bb4f0 46C0683f
193f4c0a 20006934
0eed06e5 1d3f807d
1c400964 d1f72806
9800bcf0 46C08880
4d0346C0 47282c00
02101D40 000009A0
020748F7 00000000
6972B410 400B1C23
21004002 40592000
4C014050 46C04720
02074929 00000000
D2000000 00000000
1) Go to the summary screen for the pokemon you want to check the IVs.
2) Hold start+select, move through all the pages of the summary
3) Let go of start+select.
4) Exit summary screen.
5) Go to the TM/HM bag. The first 6 TMs will now be the IVs.
ok lets see how much of this will paste before it cuts off
Shiny Encounter
02071D78 47104A00
02071D7C 02000031
94000130 FCFE0200
0207406C 47084900
02074070 02000001
02073E3C 47084900
02073E40 02000051
12073E30 000046C0
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FCFE0100
0207406C 95019000
02074070 90022000
02073E3C 43200400
02073E40 1C28900D
12073E30 0000d107
D2000000 00000000
62000000 95019000
E2000000 00000080
95019000 90022000
1C28B40d F0754907
1C01FF13 2901BC0D
4902d101 49024708
00004708 02074075
02074053 00000000
95019000 69384A04
98046010 4b019a09
00004718 02071D81
0200002C 00000000
43200400 4907B401
F0756809 1C01FEED
2901BC01 4904D001
900D4708 49031C28
00004708 0200002C
02073E33 02073E45
D2000000 00000000
To activate, go to your trainer card, press and hold "R", then press "A". To deactivate, go to your trainer card, press and hold "L", then press "A". This makes all wild, legendary, and egg Pokemon shiny.
Made by SCV
USA Wild Pokemon, Level and Nature Modifier
94000130 FDFF0000
94000130 FDFF0000
B2101D40 00000000
D9000000 00111D10
C0000000 0000000C
DC000000 00000004
D6000000 000233E8
D1000000 00000000
C0000000 0000000A
D6000000 000233E8
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FEFF0000
B2101D40 00000000
D9000000 00111D10
C0000000 0000000C
D6000000 000233E8
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
B2101D40 00000000
DA000000 00111D10
D4000000 00002400
D3000000 00000000
D7000000 0207404C
D2000000 00000000
To set Pokemon:
Enter the National Dex number of the pokemon you want into the calculator and press L.
To set Level:
Enter the level (1-100), that you want your pokemon to be into the calculator and press R.
To set Nature:
Enter the Nature Number of the nature you want the pokemon to have and press Select.
â¢Corresponding Nature and Number List:
0) Hardy
1) Lonely
2) Brave
3) Adamant
4) Naughty
5) Bold
6) Docile
7) Relaxed
8) Impish
9) Lax
10) Timid
11) Hasty
12) Serious
13) Jolly
14) Naive
15) Modest
16) Mild
17) Quiet
18) Bashful
19) Rash
20) Calm
21) Gentle
22) Sassy
23) Careful
24) Quirky
Watch this video for more information.
Made by SCV
New Alternate Forms on Wi-Fi-Union Room
921F6CFA 00002870
121F6CFA 000028FF
D2000000 00000000
921F6D7C 000001DF
121F6D7C 000001EE
D2000000 00000000
921F6D48 0000217B
121F6D48 0000217C
D2000000 00000000
Made by SCV
100 Percent Catch Rate
9224A948 00002801
1224A948 00004280
D2000000 00000000
Revised Revised by damio
Catch Trainers Pokemon
52249CF4 B0562019
12249CF4 0000E00A
D0000000 00000000
Revised Revised by damio
Fast Egg Hatch
12074F2A 00002000
12074F2E 00007338
Revised Made by SCV, Revised by damio
No Banned Pokemon in the Battle Tower
120F05BE 00000000
C0000000 00000009
020F05C0 00000000
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
Revised Made and Revised by damio
Vs Seeker Is Always Fully Charged
1206B01E 00002064
Made by SCV
US Platinum IV Check Code
920748F0 0000E119
120748F2 00009800
120748F4 00008880
1207491A 00006972
0207491C 400B1C23
02074920 21004002
02074924 40592000
12074928 00004050
94000130 FFF30000
120748F2 0000480B
120748F4 00004700
0207491A 47104A02
02074920 02000101
02074924 02000129
12074928 0000BC10
D2000000 00000000
62000100 402E1C26
E2000100 00000048
9F04B4F0 69343790
06E52000 803D0EED
09643702 28061C40
BCF0D1F7 88809800
47284D00 020748F7
6972B410 400B1C23
21004002 40592000
4C014050 46C04720
02074929 00000000
D2000000 00000000
1) Go to the summary screen for the pokemon you want to check the IVs.
2) Hold start+select, move through all the pages of the summary
3) Let go of start+select.
4) Exit summary screen.
5) Go to the current stats for the pokemon (in the summary)
6) Enjoy
Made by SCV
US Platinum IV Check Code, TM bag
920748F0 0000E119
120748F2 00009800
120748F4 00008880
1207491A 00006972
0207491C 400B1C23
02074920 21004002
02074924 40592000
12074928 00004050
94000130 FFF30000
120748F2 0000480B
120748F4 00004700
0207491A 47104A02
02074920 02000101
02074924 02000141
12074928 0000BC10
D2000000 00000000
62000100 402E1C26
E2000100 00000060
4f0bb4f0 46C0683f
193f4c0a 20006934
0eed06e5 1d3f807d
1c400964 d1f72806
9800bcf0 46C08880
4d0346C0 47282c00
02101D40 000009A0
020748F7 00000000
6972B410 400B1C23
21004002 40592000
4C014050 46C04720
02074929 00000000
D2000000 00000000
1) Go to the summary screen for the pokemon you want to check the IVs.
2) Hold start+select, move through all the pages of the summary
3) Let go of start+select.
4) Exit summary screen.
5) Go to the TM/HM bag. The first 6 TMs will now be the IVs.
Is there something quirky about your parents that you love?
How about something you don't like about them?
I was watching the Wizard of Oz, and I texted him, "We thank you very sweetly" and he responded with, "For killing her so neatly." It cracks me up that he knew that. I love him so much.
Something quirky about my mom: She makes up weird words. Sometimes it can get annoying.
Oh god this would take me DAYS to finish answering lol.
My dad enjoys embarrassing me. He seriously does, I'm not making it up (he even told me). He would stand in the middle of the street and start dancing, or when my friends come over if they ask for water he would be like (to me), "but I thought you said ALL of your friends drink alcohol?". He also enjoys naming squirrels in our backyard, and the names are all food-related. He would hold up a nut and be like "here, Bacon! Here boy!" and then get
Oh god this would take me DAYS to finish answering lol.
My dad enjoys embarrassing me. He seriously does, I'm not making it up (he even told me). He would stand in the middle of the street and start dancing, or when my friends come over if they ask for water he would be like (to me), "but I thought you said ALL of your friends drink alcohol?". He also enjoys naming squirrels in our backyard, and the names are all food-related. He would hold up a nut and be like "here, Bacon! Here boy!" and then get

Title Post: Is there any action replay codes for Pokemon Platinum?
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Author: Yukie
Thanks For Coming To My Blog
Rating: 95% based on 9768 ratings. 4,5 user reviews.
Author: Yukie
Thanks For Coming To My Blog
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