Saturday, August 24, 2013

Why will a Nursing Instructor ask a student to remove the President of America Picture off her school bag?

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Why will my nursing Instructor at Forsythtech Community College in Winston Salem North Carolina ask me to remove the President of America Picture off my school bag? Does she have the right to do that? Is it because she is a racist or what?

NO she does not have that right. People all through history and today try to take away the rights of others. Some people are very angry that a person who is not white is the President of the United States. Every time a Black person got any job or position that was not held by a Black person, white people got angry. When the first Black man won the Heavy Weight Boxing title, mobs of white people lynched innocent black people.
I have never understood why some people hate people of other colors so much. Some white people and black people can be good friends until that black person gets promoted above them or the name of Martin Luther King comes up.
The ACLU may help you with this unless you have something that is Christian on you bag, then they will not help. I am not saying President Obama is not a Christian although he does seems to be atheist, but that is another story.

What kind of Bags do College students have?

Jesse Pink

I'm soon going to a University in London and I Don't know if College guys carry a school bag.

Backpacks. It's school and often people have textbooks, binders, laptops, and such to carry to classes.

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What things are important to school-age children and teenagers?

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 on Changer 3 Bag blends the best of the old school news photographer bags ...
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I'm writing an essay on lack of values in schools. I'm looking for examples. They can be materialistic, like a first grader wanting a Louis Vuitton bag or a 14-year-old who wants $160 highlights for her hair? But I would also like to know what values young people think are important. Thanks in adavance!

My 9 year old wants friends that don't suck, to be a veterinarian, to skip a grade, to get more dogs, and to play more hockey. She's a smart hockey playing dog lover, but I think generally it is all the same. Kids want what their friends have, want friends that are generally seen as cool [or interesting], and hate to be bored. The kids that have everything want more of the same [just more expensive] and the kids that have nothing mostly want the basics. My daughter hates to see other people hurt, but seems more offended by violence towards animals then violence towards people. A boy can punch another boy and she said "they had a fight". But someone kicks a dog and she will actually cry.

However my 7 year old wants her hair dyed red, and to wear pink every day. She doesn't watch commercial tv, and isn't overly spoiled or materialistic. Her favorite teachers aid has red hair and so does her favorite daycare teacher. And she happens to really like pink. But her beautiful long blond hair will never never be dyed red!!! :) I think the older kids get the more their value system goes from looking up to people in authority, to looking up to peers.

What is the common high school supply list?


I'm a freshman going into high school and i don't really know what to get besides pencils and paper.

At school each of your teachers will tell you specific things that you need. However, I can give you general guidelines.

You will probably need a backpack or tote bag. I suggest a backpack if you are going to have a lot of books or binders to carry home.

A folder & notebook for each class. Some teachers require binders though, so you'll have to wait to hear specifics.

Obviously pens & pencils. Make sure you have blue & black ink pens because if your school does in-class essays, you will need those.

Math supplies (calculator, ruler, protractor, etc.). Oh, and unlike the other person said, you probably don't need a * special * calculator (aka a graphing calculator) until junior year or you take algebra 2. my school recommended it for algebra one, however the teachers provided them when necessary. Until then, I suggest just having a scientific calculator which I assume you have from middle school.

If you want, get post it notes for marking your spot in books. Get index cards for reviewing. Get highlighters for jazzing up your notes. And get loose-leaf paper if you're using a binder.

So, goodluckk in highschool my friend!

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Online survey on students' heavy school bags - around 13 questions?

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 on school backpack products - Buy cheap school backpack form school ...
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noelle c

(if you did the one I posted a few days ago, please do not answer again as it is just the same survey. thanks)

EPA Survey - St. Paul's Convent School Hong Kong

Topic: What should the government do towards the weight of studentsâ school bags?

Foreword: In Hong Kong, a heavy schoolbag is very common. A lot of students even suffer from spine problems because of this matter. Why are they overweight and what should be done? Should the HK government do something about this problem? Or let these students continue to suffer? As some of the victims of this problem, we decided to investigate this matter.

1. What is your age group?
a. 10 years old or under
b. 11 â 15 years old
c. 16 â 20 years
d. 21 years old or above

2. Current Education Level
a. Primary or below
b. Secondary
c. University

3. On average, is your schoolbag heavy? (Or, do you think studentsâ schoolbags are heavy?)
a. Yes
b. No

4. Did you know heavy schoolbags can cause spinal problems?
a. Yes
b. No

5. What do you think is the best way to solve this problem?
a. Replacing textbooks with e-books
b. Leaving all textbooks at school
c. Not using textbooks for teaching
d. Using different schoolbags
e. Others (Please specify: )

6. Do you know any people who have spinal problems because of heavy schoolbags?
a. Yes
b. No (If no, please skip to Question 8)

7. From the answer of Question 6, how many people do you know suffer from this problem?
a. 1-2
b. 3-6
c. 7-9
d. More than 10

8. Do you think that this is a very serious problem in Hong Kong?
a. Yes, it is very serious
b. Yes, it is quite serious
c. No, it is not too serious
d. No, it is not serious at all.

9. If you answered no in Question. 3, how did you control the weight of your schoolbag?
a. Lockers
b. School uses e-booksâ
c. I use different schoolbags (e.g. Trolley/ extra light)
d. I donât bring my books to school
e. Others (Please specify: )

10. What do you think should be the ideal weight of a studentâs schoolbag?
a. Less than 1kg
b. 1-3kg
c. 4-7kg
d. More than 8kg
11. Do you think that the government has done enough to solve this problem?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not that I know of

12. Before doing this survey, did you know the seriousness of the weight of studentsâ schoolbags?
a. Yes
b. No

13. Referring to Question 12, after doing this survey, are you more concerned about this problem?
a. Yes
b. No

Thank you for doing our survey.

End of survey

Please answer the questions thank you so much!

e: i answered yes

what are the (movement) problems we face in schools & malls?

Nikki J

for example in school, we see teachers carrying heavy stuff around

[solutions to these problems too if possible, thanks]

Get your teacher a trolley bag.

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Friday, August 23, 2013

What is a trendy, small-ish backpack for school use?

quicksilver school bags
 on Quicksilver Backpacks, Quiksilver Surf and School Backpacks
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My backpack is getting old for me and i want to buy a new one, i'm not to sure what kind to buy. I want a small-ish that is trendy for high schoolers in the Sydney area.

For girls a Roxy Bag
For a boy a Quicksilver Bag, Trespass, Regatta,

I need a new school bag, something nice but not too expensive..?


Basically I am looking for a new bag for school, so it needs to be quite sizeable :) also quite nice, but definitely not too expensive (probably £50 max!) does anyone have any recommendations? Also I live in the UK, not sure if that will be an issue, but yeah :D thanks x

maybe Jansport, or Addidas. Jansport is more fashionable and less expensive, to Addidas, which can be fashionable and big. basically Jansport $20-$40 for a bag that can fit about 2 binders, and Addidas which can fit 3 or 4 binders for about $30-$60.
Dakine and Quicksilver backpacks are pretty creative, and they have lots of room, and hidden compartments for stuff. the range from $30-$80.
you can find the bags on their online stores.

hope this helps (:

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How can I become a different person?

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 on ... Backpacks by Comparing Price from China Online Kid Cool Backpacks
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I'm 16 and I've never spent more than a year at any one school. As a result, I almost never had any friends. I was once out going, but after an incident where I ended up reciting the wrong poem in front of my 2nd grade class, I became shy. After second grade, I didn't try to make friends when I moved to different schools. I cared about my image though, I tried to be kind and show no emotion. I bottled up what I felt so that people wouldn't judge me harshly. I wasn't social, I made no friends. I had no friends. I was starved for some form of friendship, or affection, so I became deeply religious. I used religion to give me the thing I lacked, a friend.

I'm now at school wherein I am in all six of my classes with the same nine people (more or less). I was deeply religious when I came to the school. Though I didn't want to originally, I made two friends. My friends were careful around me. They were careful not to cuss or talk about the inappropriate topics that most teenage boys are constantly thinking about (one of my friends is a girl and the other is a boy).

They knew I didn't like it when people cussed or talked about the inappropriate things. My friend that is a girl once told her friend to stop talking about the things and cussing because she didn't "want to corrupt [my] innocence". My friend that is a boy told his friend once to stop cussing saying "we have a Tad here." Although I don't like cussing or inappropriate things, I didn't like that my friends did this.

Eventually, both of my friends became distant. I found that my friends stopped talking to me in classes. I had always sat alone at lunch and in our school's dismissal area, but being ignored in class, the one place they talked to me was too much for me. I felt that I lost them both. What was worse is I had lost them to each other (they didn't start dating, they both were seeing other people, but they merely became closer friends).

Both of my friends insulted religions in my English class one day. I took offense and tried to stop being friends with them. The boy told me "I don't hate you, I just hate everything you believe in." I was hurt badly by this and began to look at my religion more.I eventually left my religion due to many things I disagreed with in the doctrine. When I didn't have friends, I never questioned the doctrine because I didn't want to lose my source of comfort. Now that I had friends, I no longer needed the religion. I left my church (the Mormon Church and no it is not a cult {though it is wrong}). I still vowed to live by the church's moral code (no swearing, no talking about inappropriate things, no drinking alcoholic beverages, no drinking coffee, and no drinking tea {I know this tea one doesn't make sense now that I'm not part of the church}).

After I left, I was still unhappy they insulted my beliefs. I didn't know how to handle friends so I gave them the silent treatment. The boy apologized quickly and instantly forgave him. The girl refused to apologize, she told me I had to apologize for ignoring her. I did. I baked them both apology cookies and brought bags of apology chocolate.

After the almost official loss of our friendship, things went back to normal. My friends continued to ignore me, and I pretended I liked being alone. The truth was that I didn't want to force my friends to do anything. I didn't to force them to accept me at lunch or in the dismissal area. They both ignored me and after five months, I tried again to end my friendships. I was going to end them both on the same day, but the girl broke up with her boyfriend that day, so I only tried to end my friendship with the boy.

The girl became distant, I think that friendship is gone.

He didn't allow me to end my friendship with him. He was kind about it. He dragged (not literally) his girlfriend away from their normal lunch table to sit with me one day. The day after, he just had me move to his normal lunch table. He told me to sit there every day saying that I was part of that social group now.

Feeling like I belonged somewhere made that the happiest day of my life (that was last Tuesday). I was talking to him earlier today. He was talking about how he still has feelings for this other girl and he might have to choose between the girl (who he asked out before, but she refused saying she doesn't want to be committed to anyone) and his girlfriend. He said he can be himself around the other girl, but not his girlfriend. Hearing him say that made me remember how he tried to be calm, not cuss, and not talk about inappropriate stuff around me. I felt guilty.

I want to change myself. I want to be louder, rowdier, and have my friend like me more. My English teacher told me eight days ago that she thinks of me as the model student. I want to change that so my friend can feel like he can be himself around me.
Well I can honestly say I didn't expect a lecture of not understanding my own theology for this question. The way I worded it may be confusing, my friends are NOT the reason I left my church. You people angrily telling me how foolish I am is UN-CHRIST LIKE. You do not understand your theology. Rather than lecture me about what my theology, you all need to go back and study your theology.
I really don't like all you religious bigots who came to my question. Most of you are doing nothing but pushing me farther away as I see how horrible the people in the religious community are.


It sounds like you have a lot to say; I do too! My favorite place online is called You can go there to talk to people with all types of beliefs, not people who will criticize you for having a lot on your mind!

I love it there and I would encourage you to go start a conversation with some people there.

Good luck!!!

How do I live a better life?


I'm 16, sophomore and I'm having a hard time in my life right now. I'm just so stressed about school, boys, and friends. I dont study or do bomework, all i do is lay on my bed, eat and go on my phone... In school my grades are so bad (I get a lot of b's and c's and one F sometimes I'm not in any honors classes either) and I feel like I don't have that many friends in school but I really wanna make new ones and I'm too scared to try out for a sport cause what if I get made fun of and I'm insecure about my social life. I'm really loud and comfortable with my close friends but when it comes to meeting new people, it doesn't work out I sometimes don't say hi to them first cause I'm scared that they wouldn't see me and I would feel awkward. And I recently wen into a new church with my close friend and we made friends but she's closer to them than I am. She always leaves me and I tell her that she always ditches me and she says sorry but she also bags me and says to go socialize. I do socialize with people but my friend always leaves me and I feel uncomfortable and I feel like she's getting sick of me how do I become more independent? And wen I start talking to a guy, I can talk online but in real life I'm so shy..... And I also cry almost every week while listening to music cause I'm stressed and nostalgia... It's so bad. I also like singing and dancing and whenever people tell me to dance or song for them I always say no cause Im scared of what they'll say to me or behind my back. I think I have a lot of insecurity issues and I need help with them

Try reading for self-help "The Answer You're Looking for Is inside You," Mark Prophet,
"The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis, and
"For Couples Only," Shaunti Feldhahn. They'll help you straighten up your life.

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

What are some good ideas to do at an after graduation party for 8th graders. Games? Dance?

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 on Martyn Joseph Theres something about him that takes hold of the ...
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At my school we normaly have a party after graduation for the whole class in our gym. This year we are having a difficult time planning and finding activities.

Why the Gym...why don't you use the school field for a fun event.
Needs alot of VOLUNTEERS... start planning now!!!

DECORATIONS: Mortarboards and tassels are the natural decoration themes for the graduation bash. Look for congratulatory banners and balloons, and decorate flowers and tablecloths in the school colors to add to the school spirit. Plus⦠make it A Luau Party⦠Itâs an aloha party because it means hello and goodbye. âWe are saying goodbye to a dear friends, but in a fun spirited way.â Itâs not a sad party; itâs a fun party to remember the good times. Have all the 8th graders and guests wear their summer clothes. Provide your guests with fake leis as they enter the party.

Photos, photos, photos.
To really bring everybody to their knees about how much they're going to miss the person/people leaving, you need photo camera!

Food: Pick any items.
Pizza - order or create your own.
Baked Potato Bar - Baked potato, sour cream, bacon bits, cheese, butter.
Tacos Bar - Beef, tacos, sour cream, lettuce, tomato, cheese, salsa.
Salad Bar - salads, veggies, chicken salad, crab salad, bacon bits, tomatoes, broccoli, etc.
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Nachos - Beef, melted cheese, salsa, tomato, olives, jalapeño peppers.
Hamburgers â Buns, mayo, mustard, lettuce, tomato, cheese, pickle, onion.
Hot Dogs â Bun, mustard, ketchup, relish, red onion.

Snacks: Pick any items.
Chips and Dip
Veggie Tray with Dip
Fruit Tray
Ice cream Sundaes

Sparkling Water Bottles

Face/Body Painting:
Have a friends/volunteers do a fake body tattoo design using face paints or cool color marker pens.

Do you have an ipod? Set it up with a good stereo system. If you donât have one, ask one of your friends who does. Also if youâre in the mood, have a karaoke; this will be a fun entertainment!!!

Farewell music tips:
Forever Young / Chris Isaak
Leaving on a Jet Plane / Peter, Paul & Mary
Say Goodbye / Dave Matthews Band
Thank You / Dido
Changes / Black Sabbath
Going to California / Led Zeppelin
Wild Horses / Rolling Stones
Take the Money and Run / Steve Miller Band
Follow Me Up to Carlow / Young Dubliners
In the Cold Cold Night / White Stripes
Mrs. Robinson / Simon and Garfunkel
Graduation Day / Kanye West
Congratulations / The Rolling Stones
Schoolâs Out / Alice Cooper
Old Friends / Willie Nelson
Forever Young / Alphaville
Goodbye / The Corrs
Graduation (Friends Forever) / Vitamin C
We Go Together / Grease Soundtrack
Shout / The Isley Brothers
or your way....
Cool Games Ideas:
FLAG FOOTBALL- Guys against girls or combine players
Have a limbo contest!
Have a Hula Hoop contest!
Teach people the hula dance
1.Make an Olympic Torch. Have teams with at least 2 runners on each team (preferably 4 runners), and have a relay race by passing the torch.
2.Set up an obstacle course at park using lawn furniture, old tires, and anything else you can find that people have to go around, climb under or over, and go through.
3.Make some Water Weights and have a weight lifting competition.
4.Play volleyball, but instead of trying to hit the ball back and forth, each team must catch the ball with a blanket and throw it back the same way!
5.Set up six 2-liter soda pop bottles (put a few inches of water in the bottom of each bottle) like bowling pins, and see who can knock the most down by kicking a soccer ball.
6.Make your own Bean Bags and have a throwing competition. Use boxes, cans, paper bags, etc to make targets.
7.Try this peanut toss game. Who can get the most peanuts in?
8.Try a Tug-O-War team! For added fun, place the center of the rope over a small, inflatable swimming pool. From pulling, whomever team who touches the water in the pool first loses.
9.Put an egg on a spoon and walk across an area; make an obstacle course if you like. If you don't want to use an egg, try a marshmallow.
10.Have a discus and/or javelin-throwing contest using paper plates and drinking straws.
11.Make tennis rackets and set up a tennis competition.
This fast-paced race lets winners go out with a real bang. Need: balloons.
1. Assemble each team in single file with the first player in each line holding a balloon.
2. When the whistle blows, each lead player passes the balloon between her legs to the next person in line. Each recipient, in turn, passes the balloon overhead to the teammate directly behind her.
3. The balloon is passed alternately between players' legs and over players' heads all the way down the line. When the last person receives the balloon, he or she races to the front of the line and the balloon pass resumes.
4. The relay continues in this fashion until one of the original players regains position at the front of her line and pops the team balloon.
Suck or eat a long strand of licorice as fast as you can. Very long thin pieces of licorice for each player. As many players you can get to play. Need: Buy a big box of strawberry laces or licorice (the longer the better). Everyone has to put one end in his or her mouths. The idea is to lick/suck up the lace without using your hands as quick as possible. The room will go silent with the concentration then explode in a fit of giggles when every sees everyone else looking silly! The winner is the first to eat their lace all up yes they can chew donât want them to choke.
Try to throw Cheetos at your teammate and make them stick to their head covered with shaving cream. 6 or more players. Needs: plastic shower caps, Cheetos, and shaving creams. One person is seated on a chair. A plastic shower cap (or plastic wrap) is placed on the individual's head. Shaving cream is applied over the entire shower cap. The other team member or members stand behind a line opposite the seated player. During a preset period of time (60-120 seconds), team members throw Cheetos at the seated player and attempt to get them to stick on the shaving cream. The seated player can assist by moving his head to help "catch" the Cheetos.

The team with the most Cheetos stuck on the shaving cream wins.
Try to catch water balloons! Need: water balloons. With each successful catch move further and further apart. Pair off players into groups of two and have them face their partner about 3 feet apart. Begin tossing

What are some tips and tricks to save money on back to school shopping?

cheap kids backpacks for school
 on hand knotted carpets, woolen carpets suppliers, woolen silk carpets ...
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I'm only a kid, but we'll be shopping for school stuff near the end of Aug. coz we start September 8. I gotta buy--

--Arm warmers
--Claire's Jewelery ( priced 8-10$)
--pens, pencils, folders
--clothing (not a whole lot of clothes, 2-3 at most)

I don't have a budget but I'm a kid and want to save some money. What are the best times for shopping, also?


Right now if you watch the CVS, Walgreens, Target, Staples and Right Aid weekly specials, you will see some FREE, yes FREE, school supplies and very cheap ones.
CVS offers a few free school supplies every Sunday and Monday, so you have to go early to get them. Walgreens had free pens last week, this week it is shampoo and toothbrushes free (but you still need those for school). Walgreens has papermate highlighters right now for .29 a pack and nice 1" binders for .99 each. Lots of other school supplies under $1.00 each. CVS has on sunday and Monday this week - 2 free stretch book covers, rulers, glue and 1 subject notebooks. Also lots of specials on other stuff.

Target and Staples will run penny and quarter sales along with deeply discounted items.

I would suggest getting any items that are cheap or free that you KNOW you will use. Later in the school year if you run out you will not be able to find these kind of prices. Stock up now on that stuff then once you have your list from classes you can add on what you need then.

On Claires - ALWAYS shop the back of the store. They have the clearance stuff there and the redline sales are great. Take a friend so if it is 15 items for $10.00 you can split the cost and the loot. Also you can share earrings that come in a bunch on a card.

Back pack - again watch all the stores I mentioned for school supplies. CVS had a special that you got $5 back on any backpack purchase. They will have lots of promotions this time of year.

Clothes - do you do resale shops? We do the goodwill and salvation army ones. They have some nice stuff - always wash first. Look for upper scale/designer resale shops. We also do the mall and look for specials. Again take a friend and split the specials. We just got sneakers for $15 off by sharing the buy with a friend - if you spent 100 you got back 30 on the sale.
Target has a lot of nice basic items for clothing. Our plan is usually to go and get basic items (solid color tops and bottoms) and then add in some prints and novelty shirts, jackets, jewelry etc as we go. I give each kid a set limit of what they can spend and they stay in the limits or spend their own money.

Check your local grocery store. Ours has a fuel perks where if you buy gift cards for certain stores you get money off your gas. we bought a camera and an ipod touch at best buy - bought certificates and got two free tanks of gas. Makes mom much more conducive to going shopping if you get her free gas....

Can anyone tell me what's the best backpack for HEAVY loads?


My son's backpack weighs 30 lbs. There is nothing I can do to lighten it up. He does not have a locker so he has to tote all his books around all the time. The backpack we bought 2 weeks ago is already ripping at the seams and the straps are ripping off.

I have been through this with both my kids. They had to carry all their books to school in jr high and high school. We went through so many backpacks as the zippers break, handles break off, and the bottoms bust out. It was awful for the kids and a big waste of money.
The only backpack that stood up to all the weight was:

They can be found in most stores but they have the best ones in Sporting Good Stores. Ge the ones that are made for hiking. That style will last all year. You may spend more originally but it is cheaper in the long run. I still have a few here in great shape after years of abuse by my sons.

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What is the best first knitting project?

school bags for kids in usa
 on ... backpack bag student bag shoulder handbag backpack leather school bag
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I want to teach myself to knit. I can't decide what would be the best first project..
Any advice?


try a scarf, pillows,coasters, dishrags,towels, place mat, a table cover, rug, doormat,afghans, throws prayer shawls,bags, glass case, etc....

Just chose one and you on your way.

Here are some websites and book to help you:


All American Crafts Inc. -

Bernat/Patons -

Better Homes and Gardens Creative Collection -

Boye Needle/Wrights -

Caron International -

Clover Needlecraft, Inc. -

Coats & Clark -

Craftrends/Primedia -

Dynamic Resource Group -

Herrschners/The Yarn Shoppe Catalogue -

Interweave Press -

Knitter's Magazine -

F+W Publications -

Leisure Arts -

Lion Brand Yarns -

Martingale & Company -

Mary Maxim -

Storey Publishing -

The National Needlework Association -

Vogue Knitting -


Annie's Favorite Crochet (
Creative Knitting (
Crochet! (
Crochet World (
Family Circle Easy Crochet (
Family Circle Easy Knitting (
Hooked on Crochet! (
Interweave Knits (
Knit1 (
Knitting Digest (
Knit It (
Knit 'n Style (
Knitter's (
Vogue Knitting (

Books :

The Ultimate Sourcebook of Knitting and Crochet Stiches: Over 900 Great Stitches Detailed for Needle Crafters of Every Level
by Reader's Digest Editors (Editor), Reader's Digest Editors-
A most execellent book on the subject { I own one and agree with it} get this book it nothing else-

Learn to Knit
by Shure

The Knitting Experience Book 1: The Knit Stitch: Inspiration and Instruction, Vol. 1
by Sally Melville, Elaine Rowley (Editor), Alexis Xenakis (Photographer), Alexis Xenakis (Photographer), Xrx Press (Manufactured by)

Beginner Basics (Vogue Knitting on the Go! Series)
by Trisha Malcolm (Editor)

Kids Knitting
by Melanie Falick, Kristin Nicholas (Illustrator), Chris Hartlove (Photographer)

Knitting For Dummies
by Pam Allen, Trisha Malcolm, Rich Tennant (Illustrator), Trisha Malcolm (Foreword by)

Teach Yourself VISUALLY Knitting
by Sharon Turner

Modular Knits: New Techniques for Today's Knitters
by Iris Schreier

Donna Kooler's Encyclopedia of Knitting
by Donna Kooler

Knitting School: A Complete Course
by Sterling Publishing, RCS LIBRI

Big Book of Knitting Stitch Patterns
by Staff of Sterling Publishing

Learning to Knit
by BarCharts, Kaaren Ashley

Learn to Knit
by Sue Whiting (Editor)

Learn To Knit
by Penny Hill, New Holland Publishers Ltd (Produced by)

The Learn to Knit a Sweater Book
by Jean Leinhauser

How to Knit
by Debbie Bliss

Knitter's Lib: Learn to Knit, Crochet, and Free Yourself from Pattern Dependency
by Lena Maikon

Teach Yourself Knitting
by Sally J. Walton

The Easy Learn to Knit in Just One Day
by Staff of the American School of Needlework

Start to Knit
by Alison Dupernex

Decorative Knitting: 100 Practical Techniques, 125 Inspirational Ideas: And over 18 Creative Projects
by Kate Haxell, Luise Roberts

Michaels Book of Needlecrafts: Knitting, Crochet and Embroidery
by Dawn Cusick (Editor), Megan Kirby (Editor), Megan Kirby (Editor), Lark Books (Manufactured by)

Perfectly Brilliant Knits
by Melissa Matthay, Sheryl Thies, Sheryl Thies

The Knitter's Handbook
by Eleanor Van Zandt

Beginner's Guide to Knitting
by Alison Dupernex

Complete Book of Knitting
by Barbara Abbey

Video websites: - for kids but helpful in learning

What ranking in tennis would i need to get a tennis scholarship, or at least on a division 1 tennis team?


i am working on getting top 500 in 18's national ranking, but would that be enough to be accepted.

If you are [for example] ranked at #500 in the USA, hmm, it might not be enough to start at a strong D-1 school. OTOH, D-1 schools are not all the same, so perhaps you could get a scholarship at a not-so-strong D-1 school. A high sectional ranking might sound better than USA #500.

Keep in mind that with NCAA Division 1, you're not just competing with American kids, but foreign kids as well.

Check out Division 2 and Division 3 schools and see what's out there. D-2's offer $ assistance, while D-3's are not permitted to offer any assistance. Some D-2 and D-3 schools have very strong teams, and some D-1 schools are not that great. It's a mixed bag.

Spend some serious time with this web site if you're not familiar with it already:

If you don't have the book below, I recommend that you get yourself a copy.

Best of luck :-)

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How can i convince my parents to let me get a hedgehog?

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 on Wholesale Hello Kitty Cute Handbag Bag School Bag | eBay
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Shay Lutwi

My kom doesnt care if i get one but daddy says no.I will pay for it and everything.I want one so bad.SO is there anyway i could convince him to letiing me get one?
p.s do they live in NC?in the woods or anything?

hello im 16 and have 1 degu 2 axolotals and 2 hedgehogs i got my african pgmy 5 days ago my mum says she would not pay for nothing so i had to work hare to save3 but i do nnot regret it at all ow my first hog was a rescued hedgehog british i brought him up too tame to relese but i live in the uk so i can only give you prices relvent to here but you could convert them or somthing

good points

with time and patence hedgehogs become VERY tame
you can feed them by hand
do not need a lot of time out of the cage just toys and a wheel the more eventive you are the happyer thay are
food is easy just good cat food ill get to that later
thay get along with other pets mine loves my dog and follows him around he just walks off and wants it to go lol
thay are active at night and in the evening so you csan see her/him after school and dinner
thay can be litter traind and traind to follow to you
despite many rumers thay are very east to hold id done right

bade points or things to take in to considration

that can be noisy not just on there wheels but diffrent sounds when forigin witch i think is cute
if not keept under controll there cages can be very smelly most pepol change there cages every 3-5 days
cutting there nails and checking there teeth is a bloody night mare my vet gave up and told me i would to have to do it have you ever grabed a hedgehogs foot ? i have IT HURTS lol
whaen you first get your hedgehog thay will try to poo on you just till thay get to no you i tap mine on the nose than she stabes me lol
food is offen expensive as well as the pet
you have to feed it insects i dont no if this grosses you out im fine as my fish eat worms ow live or dead even pinkeys i dont feed mine them because its gross
my hogs hat baths and most of the water ends up on me but you can exsersise hogs by swiming

if you wnat to convince your mum try to borrow a friends hog look after it show her you cdan also it would act as a taster for you of just write down all good points and lots of cute pics
if all this dosenot work and you havent got the mony theresa always your birthday dont no how you would wrap a hedgehog up though lol

what would you need ?

cage at least 2 squear foot
somthing to put on the bottom
food bowls
i have a run for mine to give them time out
cage clener
heat mat

prices and links of pics so you can find somthing simlar

hedgehog =â¦â¦
i brought my hog from a pet store you need to really get yours from a breeder as thay are sposed to be better you should look out for a runny noise and eyes genrelly are thay active but most importnaly temproment chocolot clould hedgehogs are the best tempremented male or femail dose not matter i also put a amercan link in as i do not no where you live =)

cage =â¦
i have the 2 story cage because i have 2 hogs but the but the rabbit 100 cage would be ok like i said no smaller then 2-3 foot but the bigger the better i paid 130 pounds for my cage
no open top cages as thay are verry good climers VERY GOOD and they dig !!! i found this out the hard way at the cost of a new carpet so get a run lol
food =â¦
i found a amercan link ive looked for 30 min for a uki link but i cant find one for the life of me any way i brought 3 types dry moist and caned the 2 boxes where 5 pounds eatch and the little sachie is 1 pound eatch i brought 5 im sure you can get some in your local pet storeâ¦
these are the meal worms i buy you can buy 15 pounds bags thay are rerally big these cost me 4 pound you chould also buy some crickitsâ¦
if you also click on the other items you can see some silk worms thay like to
thay also like some fruit and veg berry bannanas pretty mutch most thing
DO NOT GIVE GRAPES IF YOU GIVE NUTS MAKE SURE THAY ARE CRUSHED as these can get stuck in the roof of the animals mouth also you should try to buy cat food if you chose to use that that is as low as possibe in whet rice as this is bade for hogs also no fish this is bade for hogs and no milk however as a occasnel treat a small amount of yogart or cottage cheses is attchly good for them
if you decide to buy cat foood it needs to be at least 30 percent proten and no more than 15 precent fat not a lot of whet or rice and no fish thay can have cooked meats as a treat but only organic with no chemicals in it all sodds should be cut in to small pices so the hog can eat it i think i alredy said i mix my food hogs love every thing unhelthy but just cant have it sa this can leed to obisety and fatty liver dieses when you get your hog you may hav to change its food to a more sutible diet do this slowly and mix old food with new as hogs are stubbon and there

What can I buy My teenage daughter for christmas?


My daughter is 15 and we live in the UK she has the latest phone and laptop so those are out what can I buy her that will be really special? By the was she doesn't really care about hair, make-up and jewellery.

Does she like reading? You could buy her a Kindle E-Reader where you can buy Ebooks cheap and store loads on one thing. Apparently they can have battery lives of like a month at a time.

I've gone on Ebay UK for you and I found (it's one from the US but this is just an example) at 116 pounds (sorry don't kbow how to do the pounds symbol on my keyboard). Returns accepted and 4gb apparently that can hold 3500 books and also connects to Wifi.

It's not a cheap book but pretty good value for 116 really 3500 books, plus Wifi connection. If your daughter is a bookworm this and a few small things to substitute it (if you feel the need) would be perfect).

Here's some links for the EReaders that I used:

Other ideas:
Ipod alarm clock docks. With these it's possible to charge your Ipo

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Why did a kid who brought his bible to school get suspended?

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 on Hairstyle Gallery: Medium Hair
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Obama's di

Would a kid who brought a KORAN to school get suspended or only Christians?

Kids wearing American flags get suspended.

Kids fighting back when getting punched by a bully get suspended?

Its not like the kid started reading and preaching with his bible, he only had in his backpack.

Do you think it was a Muslim teacher who don't tolerate christians?
It would make more sense if the kid brought some big bang theory book to get suspended I think.

If you don't post a link, how can anyone know why this kid was suspended?

Most kids who turn up at school toting porn get into some kind of trouble.

Have you read about what Lot did with his daughters?


OK, found the link.

Dominguez has a long history of truancy, antisocial behaviour, bullying, and drug use. In fact, he was at a special school for students with long-term behaviour issues.

The school says that his suspension was for persistent and serious disruption - the Bible incident being only one example of a sustained campaign of bullying and harassment.

So what you are saying is that bullying is OK if you do it with a Bible.

Not everyone is going to agree.

(Not that we expect Christians to behave with integrity, honesty, or decency .....)

What backpack do i use for my freshman year of highschool?


im going into my freshman yaer and i dont know what kind of backpack the kids use like regular ones or the cute sholder ones that u get from like hollister ? what do most people (girls) use ? :)

well, I'm going into my junior year of high school and most people use those expensive Dakine backpacks, it really depends on your budget Some girls just use on of those oversize shoulder bags, but for the first week when you're getting all your books I recommend using a normal back pack after that use whatever(:

Good luck in High School!(:

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Why cant kids wear backpacks in middle school?

get kids backpacks for school
 on Mrs. Parks 1st Grade
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i cant wear backpacks to school. wud up with that.

At my middle school and highschool they won't allow backpacks or bags in class because they suspect that you're carrying a weapon or illegal things. Back when I was in 8th grade (3 years ago) some kid brought a rifle to school and put us in lock down. And he was expelled. That same day, we had a bomb threat that I nearly got expelled for. I was so in shock I couldn't cry or anything. It was insane.

What are some good brands for backpacks for school?


So I just went to the school I am going to next year and they don't have lockers and its a private school so it has to be durable because I am going to be getting a lot of work. All the kids there had backpacks that they carried with them so I am just wondering what would be a good brand that will last for a while?
All I can think of is North Face for backpacks?
Any others like North Face?

L.L. Bean
Jan-Sport (my favorite!)
Camal Back
and Decode.
All those are really good backpacks, and they will definitely hold up your books! Hope this helps!

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What's the best shopping day for great sales at the mall?

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 on Angry Birds School Backpack 16 Inch Large Rolling Bag - Ad#: 2739731 ...
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Hi everyone! So..i have to go shopping for the new upcoming school year. I am going to be a senior and need new clothes, shoes, makeup, etc etc.. I'm on a really tight budget so i really need to know when do malls have better sales? During the weekdays or weekend? Also, what stores would you say i go to to find nice, but well-budgeted clothes and shoes? Thanks!

Oooh, senior! :DD First of all, if you have school spirit, you should get clothes in your school color, or class color. That's very optional, by the way!

Okay, stores have sales ALL the time. It doesn't matter, because there will always be something on the clearance/sale rack. Even if you miss out on a big 75% off day, it's okay. If you look really hard, you can find reaaaaally nice stuff!

Don't worry, though! When you see a LOT of back to school shopping commercials, then no doubt, the mall will be having sales, too.

Mall stores:
My favorite, Forever21! If you see a lot of people w/ f21 bags at school, then you know it's good!
It's very good, you can buy a LOT of things for under 50-$60.
Tank tops are from $2.50 and up. And they feel sooo soft and niiice.
Tops range from like $4.50 and up. You can find nice and cute tops under $10, too!
They have jeans under $13 EACH, and they have signs, so you know.
They have shoes too, but it really depends on your style, (if you like boots, sneakers, flip-flops, sandals, flats. etc...)
Don't worry, f21 has a clearance rack, too! :) I've found a couple of nice cardigans for $3.99 EACH! So, if you have time, take a look at the sale rack and the store. Roam around. See what you like.

WetSeal, I will never say it's the same as Forever21, 'cause it's NOT. To me, it's lower level, and not the same. But, it does have some nice deals, like 5 tops or tank-tops for 20$! I really recommend the sale rack, because sometimes they have the 'Buy one, next one is 1 penny!' So that's REALLY good, right? :)
Their shoes, I can't really say. My WetSeal is kinda messy, so again, you really have to look, roam, and dig deep!

Abercrombie, Abercrombie & Fitch, since you're on a really tight budget, don't even go there. I'm serious. Maybe take a picture or two with the models. ;)

Hollister, I'd say the same. But I don't think they have models.

American Eagle & Aeropostale - Tight budget? Try the sale rack, but look hard for something really nice and affordable for you. Don't buy from A&F, Hollister, or Aero if you don't like shirts with big words of the store name on it.. yeah?

Old Navy - Uhm. Before I say go to the sale rack, look around. Sometimes they have really nice sales or deals going around!
Once a year(I think), they sell flip-flops for only $1!! So yeah, try Old Navy if you want. Or go searching in the sale rack.

If you don't want to go the mall, since there's like stores that sell department store things for cheaper.. like:

Ross, DD's Discount, TJ Maxx, Marshalls - All these stores sells name-brands clothes, if you really look. And it's waaay cheaper. Like.. up to 30-50% cheaper, or more. They have nice shoes, but if you come after they re-stocked, or else, you're stuck searching for something you really want. Sometimes you can find mall clothes in there too! I've found F21, Aeropostale, and Hollister in those stores, so look! They have make up too, but try to look for the pack/item that's the best looking. Sometimes, people go through the makeup stuff and touch it, and break it, and yeah.. Sometimes, they have duplicates of the SAME thing, so if one has a hole/stain, look at the other shirt. Sometimes it's better, sometimes it's not. But they do give you like, 10-30% off if there's a stain or something.
They have shoes, trust me. Marshall's and Ross, sometimes, (you really have to look), have Converse and Vans, so if you really look, you'll find what you're looking for? :)

Off-topic (kinda?): Try thrift stores, if you really want to, it's optional. Sometimes you can find a name brand item for WAAAAAAAY cheaper! Some people have found Coach bags for like, $15!
I don't know about makeup from thrift stores, but I wouldn't trust it.
I'm sure the shoes there are nice, look and see if they have rips, stains, etc...


WOW, this answer is LONG. But I hope I helped you a bit? :)
Hope your shopping goes well, and your senior year, too! ;D

Can you make me an outfit using clothes from JUST Hollister?

Question H

Can you guys make me nice, preppy, and outfits that you would wear using clothes from Hollister. [ clearance would be appreciated lol ]

I always try to look nice, but I just need a few pointers on how to look like somone who is popular. They always seem to match up what they wear perfectly, and somehow I can't pull it off.

If you could also include what kind of hairstyle to wear with it - straight; curly; in a pony-tail; messy-bun; half up-half down; etc.
I'd really appreciate it!


oh yay. i love putting together outfits! as much as i hate hollister i think i can manage :)

with this cami under (the shirts can be pretty see through)
with this sweater over
a pair of ugg slippery things idk what theyre called lol these things...preps wear them all the time at my school
and you could do it with a cute little bag likee

id do it with a messy bun or scrunched hair :)

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How do you feel about Israel's war crime in Qana? Is it really a defending attack?

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 on Tattoo Fonts Script
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Fifty-two people have been killed, more than half of them children, in an Israeli air blitz on the Lebanese village of Qana :

to all who are not ashamed of america

to all who defend israel blindly, and just repeat that terrorists are hiding among civilians , and israel is peaceful and the killer is hezbollah

to everyone who are brainwashed, i dedicate that article by the british veteren writer in the independent paper in GB :

Robert Fisk: Slaughter in Qana
In his weekly dispatch from the front line, our veteran war reporter witnesses the aftermath of a massacre
Published: 06 August 2006
Sunday, 30 July

Qana again. AGAIN! I write in my notebook. Ten years ago, I was in the little hill village in southern Lebanon when the Israeli army fired artillery shells into the UN compound and killed 106 Lebanese, more than half of them children. Most died of amputation wounds - the shells exploded in the air - and now today I am heading south again to look at the latest Qana massacre.

Fifty-nine dead? Thirty-seven? Twenty-eight? An air strike this time, and the usual lies follow. Ten years ago, Hizbollah were "hiding" in the UN compound. Untrue. Now, we are supposed to believe that the dead of Qana - today's slaughter - were living in a house which was a storage base for Hizbollah missiles. Another lie - because the dead were all killed in the basement, where they would never be if rockets were piled floor-to-ceiling. Even Israel later abandons this nonsense. I watch Lebanese soldiers stuffing the children's corpses into plastic bags - then I see them pushing the little bodies into carpets because the bags have run out.

But the roads, my God, the roads of southern Lebanon. Windows open, listen for the howl of jets. I am astonished that only one journalist - a young Lebanese woman - has died so far. I watch the little silver fish as they filter through the sky.

On my way back to Beirut, I find the traffic snarled up by a bomb-smashed bridge, where the Lebanese army is trying to tow a vegetable-laden truck out of a river. I go down to them and slosh through the water to tell the army sergeant that he is out of his mind. He's got almost 50 civilian cars backed up in a queue, just waiting for another Israeli air attack. Leave the lorry till later, I tell him.

Other soldiers arrive, and there is a 10-minute debate about the wisdom of my advice, while I am watching the skies and pointing out a diving Israeli F-16. Then the sergeant decides that Fisk is not as stupid as he looks, cuts the tow-rope and lets the traffic through. I am caked in dust, and Katya Jahjoura, a Lebanese photographer colleague, catches sight of me and bursts into uncontrollable laughter. "You look as if you have been living in rubble!" she cries, and I shoot her a desperate look. Better get out of this place, in case we get turned into rubble, I reply.

Monday, 31 July

Benjamin Netanyahu tries another lie, an old one reheated from 1982, when Menachem Begin used to claim that the civilian casualties of Israel's air raids were no different from the civilians killed in Denmark in an RAF raid in the Second World War. Ho hum, nice try, Benjamin, but not good enough.

First, the story. RAF aircraft staged an air raid on the Nazi Gestapo headquarters in Copenhagen, but massacred more than 80 children when their bombs went astray. The Israelis are slaughtering the innocent of southern Lebanon from high altitude - high enough to avoid Hizbollah missiles. The reason the RAF killed 83 children, 20 nuns and three firemen on 21 March 1945 was that their Mosquitoes were flying so low to avoid civilian casualties that one of the British aircraft clipped its wing on a railroad tower outside Copenhagen central station, and crashed into the school. The other aircraft assumed the smoke from its high-octane fuel was the target.

Interesting, though, the way Israel's leaders are ready to manipulate the history of the Second World War. No Israeli aircraft has been lost over Lebanon in this war and the civilians of Lebanon are dying by the score, repeatedly and bombed from a great height.

Tuesday, 1 August

Electricity off, my fridge flooded over the floor again, my landlord Mustafa at the front door with a plastic plate of figs from the tree in his front garden. The papers are getting thinner. However, Paul's restaurant has reopened in East Beirut where I lunch with Marwan Iskander, one of murdered ex-prime minister Rafiq Hariri's senior financial advisers.

Marwan and his wife Mona are a source of joy, full of jokes and outrageous (and accurate) comments about the politicians of the Middle East. I pay for the meal, and Marwan produces - as I knew he would - a huge Cuban cigar for me. I gave up smoking years ago. But I think the war allows me to smoke again, just a little.

Wednesday, 2 August

Huge explosions in the southern suburbs of Beirut shake the walls of my home. A cauldron of fire ascends into the sky. What is there left to destroy in the slums which scribes still call a "Hizbollah stronghold"?

The Israelis are now bombing all roads leading to Syria, especially at the border crossing at Masna (very clever, as if the Hizbollah is bringing its missiles into Lebanon in convoys on the international highway). Then the guerrilla army, which started this whole bloody fiasco, fires off dozens more rockets into Israel.

I put my nose into the suburbs and get a call from a colleague in south Lebanon who describes the village of Srifa as "like Dresden". World War Two again. But the suburbs do look like a scene from that conflict. My grocer laments that he has no milk, no yoghurt, which - as a milkoholic myself - I lament.

Thursday, 3 August

More friends wanting to know if it's safe to return to Lebanon. An old acquaintance tells me that when she insisted on coming back to Beirut, a relative threw a shoe and a book at her. What was the book, I asked? A volume of poetry, it seems.

Electricity back, and I torture myself by watching CNN, which is reporting this slaughterhouse as if it is a football match. Score so far: a few dozen Israelis, hundreds of Lebanese, thousands of missiles, and even more thousands of Israeli bombs. The missiles come from Iran - as CNN reminds us. The Israeli bombs come from the United States - as CNN does not remind us.

Friday, 4 August

The day of the bridges. Abed and I are up the highway north of Beirut with Ed Cody of The Washington Post (he who reads Verlaine) and we manage to drive on side roads through the Christian Metn district, which has inexplicably been attacked (since the Christian Maronites of Lebanon are supposed to be Israel's best friends here). "You cannot believe how angry we are," a woman says to me, surveying her smashed car and smashed home and shattered windows and the rubble all over the road. A viaduct has fallen into a valley, all 200 metres of it, though another side road is left completely undamaged, and we cruise along it to the next destroyed bridge. So what was the point of bombing the bridges?

We drive back to Beirut on empty roads, windows open and the whisper of jets still in the sky. I go to the Associated Press office, where my old mate Samir Ghattas is the bureau chief. "So how were the bridges?" he asks. "I guess you were driving fast." He can say that again.

I do an interview with CBC in Toronto and talk openly of Israeli war crimes, and no one in the Canadian studio feels this is impolitic or frightening or any of the other usual fears of television producers, who think they will be faced with the usual slurs about "anti-Semitic" reporters who dare to criticise Israel.

I turn on the television, and there is Hassan Nasrallah, Hizbollah's boss, threatening Israel with deeper missile penetrations if Israel bombs Beirut. I listen to Israel's Prime Minister, saying much the same thing in reverse.

I call these people the "roarers", but I leaf through my tatty copy of King Lear to see what they remind me of. Bingo. "I shall do such things I know not, but they shall be the terrors of the earth." Shakespeare should be reporting this war.

Saturday, 5 August

Lots of stories about a massive Israeli ground offensive, which turn out to be untrue. The UN in southern Lebanon suspects that Israel is manufacturing non-existent raids to pacify public opinion as Hizbollah missiles continue to fly across the frontier. But a friend calls to tell me that Hizbollah might be running out of rockets. Possibly true, I reflect, and think of all the bridges which haven't yet been blown to pieces.

More gruesome photographs of the dead in the Lebanese papers. We in the pure "West" spare our readers these terrible pictures - we "respect" the dead too much to print them, though we didn't respect them very much when they were alive - and we forget the ferocious anger which Arabs feel when these images are placed in front of them. What are we storing up for ourselves? I wrote about another 9/11 in the paper this morning. And I fear I'm right.

Sunday, 30 July

Qana again. AGAIN! I write in my notebook. Ten years ago, I was in the little hill village in southern Lebanon when the Israeli army fired artillery shells into the UN compound and killed 106 Lebanese, more than half of them children. Most died of amputation wounds - the shells exploded in the air - and now today I am heading south again to look at the latest Qana massacre.

Fifty-nine dead? Thirty-seven? Twenty-eight? An air strike this time, and the usual lies follow. Ten years ago, Hizbollah were "hiding" in the UN compound. Untrue. Now, we are supposed to believe that the dead of Qana - today's slaughter - were living in a house which was a storage base for Hizbollah missiles. Another lie - because the dead were all killed in the basement, where they would never be if rockets were piled floor-to-ceiling. Even Israel later abandons this nonsense. I watch Lebanese soldiers stuffing the children's corpses into plastic bags - then I see them pushing the little bodies into carpets because the bags have run out.

But the roads, my God, the roads of southern Lebanon. Windows open, listen for the howl of jets. I am astonished that only one journalist - a young Lebanese woman - has died so far. I watch the little silver fish as they filter through the sky.

On my way back to Beirut, I find the traffic snarled up by a bomb-smashed bridge, where the Lebanese army is trying to tow a vegetable-laden truck out of a river. I go down to them and slosh through the water to tell the army sergeant that he is out of his mind. He's got almost 50 civilian cars backed up in a queue, just waiting for another Israeli air attack. Leave the lorry till later, I tell him.

Other soldiers arrive, and there is a 10-minute debate about the wisdom of my advice, while I am watching the skies and pointing out a diving Israeli F-16. Then the sergeant decides that Fisk is not as stupid as he looks, cuts the tow-rope and lets the traffic through. I am caked in dust, and Katya Jahjoura, a Lebanese photographer colleague, catches sight of me and bursts into uncontrollable laughter. "You look as if you have been living in rubble!" she cries, and I shoot her a desperate look. Better get out of this place, in case we get turned into rubble, I reply.

Monday, 31 July

Benjamin Netanyahu tries another lie, an old one reheated from 1982, when Menachem Begin used to claim that the civilian casualties of Israel's air raids were no different from the civilians killed in Denmark in an RAF raid in the Second World War. Ho hum, nice try, Benjamin, but not good enough.

First, the story. RAF aircraft staged an air raid on the Nazi Gestapo headquarters in Copenhagen, but massacred more than 80 children when their bombs went astray. The Israelis are slaughtering the innocent of southern Lebanon from high altitude - high enough to avoid Hizbollah missiles. The reason the RAF killed 83 children, 20 nuns and three firemen on 21 March 1945 was that their Mosquitoes were flying so low to avoid civilian casualties that one of the British aircraft clipped its wing on a railroad tower outside Copenhagen central station, and crashed into the school. The other aircraft assumed the smoke from its high-octane fuel was the target.

Interesting, though, the way Israel's leaders are ready to manipulate the history of the Second World War. No Israeli aircraft has been lost over Lebanon in this war and the civilians of Lebanon are dying by the score, repeatedly and bombed from a great height.

Tuesday, 1 August

Electricity off, my fridge flooded over the floor again, my landlord Mustafa at the front door with a plastic plate of figs from the tree in his front garden. The papers are getting thinner. However, Paul's restaurant has reopened in East Beirut where I lunch with Marwan Iskander, one of murdered ex-prime minister Rafiq Hariri's senior financial advisers.

Marwan and his wife Mona are a source of joy, full of jokes and outrageous (and accurate) comments about the politicians of the Middle East. I pay for the meal, and Marwan produces - as I knew he would - a huge Cuban cigar for me. I gave up smoking years ago. But I think the war allows me to smoke again, just a little.

Wednesday, 2 August
Huge explosions in the southern suburbs of Beirut shake the walls of my home. A cauldron of fire ascends into the sky. What is there left to destroy in the slums which scribes still call a "Hizbollah stronghold"?

The Israelis are now bombing all roads leading to Syria, especially at the border crossing at Masna (very clever, as if the Hizbollah is bringing its missiles into Lebanon in convoys on the international highway). Then the guerrilla army, which started this whole bloody fiasco, fires off dozens more rockets into Israel.

I put my nose into the suburbs and get a call from a colleague in south Lebanon who describes the village of Srifa as "like Dresden". World War Two again. But the suburbs do look like a scene from that conflict. My grocer laments that he has no milk, no yoghurt, which - as a milkoholic myself - I lament.

Thursday, 3 August

More friends wanting to know if it's safe to return to Lebanon. An old acquaintance tells me that when she insisted on coming back to Beirut, a relative threw a shoe and a book at her. What was the book, I asked? A volume of poetry, it seems.

Electricity back, and I torture myself by watching CNN, which is reporting this slaughterhouse as if it is a football match. Score so far: a few dozen Israelis, hundreds of Lebanese, thousands of missiles, and even more thousands of Israeli bombs. The missiles come from Iran - as CNN reminds us. The Israeli bombs come from the United States - as CNN does not remind us.

Friday, 4 August

The day of the bridges. Abed and I are up the highway north of Beirut with Ed Cody of The Washington Post (he who reads Verlaine) and we manage to drive on side roads through the Christian Metn district, which has inexplicably been attacked (since the Christian Maronites of Lebanon are supposed to be Israel's best friends here). "You cannot believe how angry we are," a woman says to me, surveying her smashed car and smashed home and shattered windows and the rubble all over the road. A viaduct has fallen into a valley, all 200 metres of it, though another side road is left completely undamaged, and we cruise along it to the next destroyed bridge. So what was the point of bombing the bridges?

We drive back to Beirut on empty roads, windows open and the whisper of jets still in the sky. I go to the Associated Press office, where my old mate Samir Ghattas is the bureau chief. "So how were the bridges?" he asks. "I guess you were driving fast." He can say that again.

I do an interview with CBC in Toronto and talk openly of Israeli war crimes, and no one in the Canadian studio feels this is impolitic or frightening or any of the other usual fears of television producers, who think they will be faced with the usual slurs about "anti-Semitic" reporters who dare to criticise Israel.

I turn on the television, and there is Hassan Nasrallah, Hizbollah's boss, threatening Israel with deeper missile penetrations if Israel bombs Beirut. I listen to Israel's Prime Minister, saying much the same thing in reverse.

I call these people the "roarers", but I leaf through my tatty copy of King Lear to see what they remind me of. Bingo. "I shall do such things I know not, but they shall be the terrors of the earth." Shakespeare should be reporting this war.

Saturday, 5 August

Lots of stories about a massive Israeli ground offensive, which turn out to be untrue. The UN in southern Lebanon suspects that Israel is manufacturing non-existent raids to pacify public opinion as Hizbollah missiles continue to fly across the frontier. But a friend calls to tell me that Hizbollah might be running out of rockets. Possibly true, I reflect, and think of all the bridges which haven't yet been blown to pieces.

More gruesome photographs of the dead in the Lebanese papers. We in the pure "West" spare our readers these terrible pictures - we "respect" the dead too much to print them, though we didn't respect them very much when they were alive - and we forget the ferocious anger which Arabs feel when these images are placed in front of them. What are we storing up for ourselves? I wrote about another 9/11 in the paper this morning. And I fear I'm right.

where to buy these bags in Lebanon?


so i found these cute, fashionable bags and im wondering where to buy it in Lebanon?
i hope they sell it, pleasee help me
(the bag not the design)
please help school starts soon!!

Try Accessorize ABC, 3endoun des trucs du genre :)

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Monday, August 19, 2013

My wife had become obsessed with Facebook and now she is with a ex boyfriend from high school?

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 on School kids vector 949165 - by Olillia
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Okay what the hell is going on with the women in their late 30's and this obsession with facebook and Highschool. My now ex wife, threw away our marriage and family for some guy that she went to a dance with. The cat came out of the bag this weekend, and I knew it. What is up with this phenomena?? I know that has not only happened to me and my boys! My kids straight up asked me why is Mommy ruining our family!!

there's this saying that i cant exactly remember which basically means that you never get over your highschool sweetheart. and i know for a fact this is true.

What is a good value, cheap digital camera?


The camera doesn't need to have very good picture quality perhaps 3.5 mega pixels, needs to be fairly durable and compact and water resistant, however, it does not need to be water proof. The main thing is that it needs to be fairly cheap, under $150.

I bought Canon PowerShot SD1300IS for my wife to carry in her purse so she can shoot pictures and video of the kids while they're out and about, or when she drops in on them at their school. No camera bag needed, this camera fits in a zipped interior pocket of her purse.

I gave it to her and she was able to successfully power it on/off, shoot pictures, shoot video, zoom, delete bad shots, and navigate the menu system without referring to the manual. The point here is if you currently own a Canon point and shoot and are looking for an upgrade, the learning curve on the SD1300IS is almost zero. If you've never owned a Canon point and shoot, you will figure this one out very easily.

The 12MP pictures are stunning, but to be honest I can't tell the difference between the ones that are 12MP and the ones that are 8MP on my Canon S5IS. The pictures the Rebel XS takes are a notch above the others, definitely a noticeable difference there.

The video quality is 30fps 640x480 (plenty), same as my S5IS. The image stabilization is a must for this to be of any use, and works like a champ. A 4GB SDHC card holds about 32 minutes worth of video, 8GB 64 minutes, 16GB more than 2 hours! The video is very easy to transfer to your computer and burn to a DVD or upload to Facebook using the included USB cable. There is also an included cable that allows you to play video on your TV via the yellow video cable port.

The appearance of the camera is so cool. I bought my wife the green one, and it looks great. I like how the lens completely retracts into the body and covers itself with a protective layer. A handy camera strap is also included, which is good because this thing is so small I could see it slipping out of your hands.

All in all, a very easy to use, functional, attractive camera that I have no hesitation recommending!

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What are twenty different things that all high school girls need in their closet?

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 on ... Pink / Purple Spring Flowers Pattern Daypack Backpack / School Bag
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i'm going to high school in the fall and i'm cleaning out my closet and getting some new clothes for high school. i just want an idea of the kinds of clothes i should buy. please be specific in the types of clothes i should buy, but i don't need any stores. only people who have been in high school in the past five years should answer. thanks for your help in advance!!!

1. jeans (skinny jeans and regular jeans)
2. hoodies (pullover and zip up) (hollister, nike, and jordans have really cute pullover hoodies)
3. form fitting shirts and regular shirts (hollister button ups are so cute with a pair of jeans)
4.flats and sandals
5. Some type of sneakers like vans or nike dunks or both is always good or converse or etc
6. skirts one at least 2 ur knees and 1 short
7. shorts (bermuda and short shorts) (dont forget the soffe or russel shorts if u play sports those are so good)
8. Plain tees in different colors like the ones at pacsun or wetseals
9. at least one shirt with ur skool name on it
10. Slacks kakhisor black or both is always safe (delias has some cute ones thats were i got mine)
11. Cute stylish backpack like northface, jansport, billabong, Oneil, etc u kno just a really cute one (if u play sports dont forget 2 get another bag like a sports bag from like addidas or nike or etc. )
12. Tote (great for logging books around wen u dont want to carry a bookbag. you will find this is very important in high school)
13.really cute purse
14. cardigans (black, white, and dark blue are always staff colors)
15. dressy clothes
16. dresses
17. most importantly accesorises if u have really nice accesories u dont need alot of clothes and ur outfits will always look nice if u put it togeather nicely( dont forget a cute watch which is always good for wen u cant look at ur cell phone lol)
18. i always buy like one little cute character shirt like i have an elmo, teenage mutant ninja turtles, winnie the pooh and a good guys evils guys shirt(i got that from forever21) u can normally find these at delias after summer clothes are put away or where they sell junkfood clothing. i always get compliments on them.
19. camis and tanktops
20. one pair of sweat shorts like the scrunch knee ones (pink by victoria secret has cute ones) (and dont wear sweat all the time or alot cause thats just makes u look tacky wait til ur a senior at least lol)
21. uggs are very warm during the winter (i preferably like the real one from like uggs austrilia or emus because they look better and definately have better quaility but if its not in ur budget dont waste money on them if ur not really into them.)(my friend has some cute roxy shiver boots i think they look better than uggs)
22. a really cute stylist and WARM coat is good for winter i have an abercrombie and fitch one and one from delias
23. and desent underwear for gym (no thongs in gym)
24. and hair accesories
25. and most importantly a good attitude

What is a cute purse to use at school and other places?

I want a purse that I can carry around anywhere. I want some like a hobo bag. I don't like any dull colors, like black or brown. Colors like a bright blue or any other bright colors would be good too. Any help on where I can shop for one?

Roxy makes very pretty and durable purses that range from a hand-held bag to an over/the-shoulder. You can find them at Boathouse, Roxy/QuikSilver stores, and of course, online. They're usually made of faux-leather.

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Trying to raise money for a chariatble foundation at school. Any good ideas?

school bags for nursery kids
 on Sing Along to this easy song with picture clues to help children learn ...
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Q. Okay, we're raising money for a charitable foundation, and we need good ideas. We already have done (and can't do again):

A raffle
Bake sales
Dress down day (where we can wear whatever we want if we pay like 3 dollars, instead of wearing a uniform)

We're already thinking of doing:
A movie night in the auditorium
An after school story time for little kids

Yeah. So anything other than those things, please list 'em! I'll give best answer to the person that gives the most ideas that I actually decide to use, so list as many as you can think, even if you htink they sound stupid. Oh, and the school goes from nursery to eighth grade, so all age group related activities work! Thank you!

A 'fashion show' where the kids or teachers dress up and put on a show for the parents, you charge for entry and everybody has fun.
A talent contest same idea.
Some kind of quiz or word puzzle. Get one off the internet or make your own, then people pay to enter and have some kind of chocolates for a prize.
Bag-packing at a local supermarket: put out collection boxes and smile sweetly ;)
Sponsoring form a local company, the kids parents might be interested of they have their own business maybe?
Teachers vs students (or parents) sports event
Sponored silence
Sponsored spelling event (the kids have a sheet of words to learn, and get relatives to sponsor them. At the end they all get tested and are sponsored for the number of words they get right)
Have an all ages crafts/cooking event, then sell the spoils.

Good luck with it :)

would you let a thirteen year old who is experienced with kids babysit your children?


im 13 and have been home schooled for the past 3 years and am looking for Volunteer work to do this year. i love kids which is why i was considering asking to help at my church's nursery or possibly babysitting. i have once watched a 2 year old for 8 hours strait with no assistance. but don't know if that would be enough to babysit some one Else's child(ren) any tips?

Well i've been babysitting since I was 11. I'm 13 now.
Although I have had red cross training and CPR training, it's not needed and a lot of times to get babysitting jobs I don't even have to mention it.

I suggest babysitting a family member or neighbor, and then they'll probably recommend you to people, and it'll just go on. I babysitted just the other day, and that same day i got another job because the neighbor I babysitted for recommended me to her friend. That day. And i'm no amazing babysitter, I just love working with kids - which is something that you seem you like.

I'm sure someone will hire you. Just start out with someone that knows you, and it'll expand.

Here's some tips about babysitting
-Charge about 5$ an hour. Make sure you tell them that first, so they don't cheap out on you. It's happens.
-Bring a bag of things to do, child safe things of course.
-Go to the home at least 5 minutes early to make sure everythings good, get emergency numbers and all that stuff.
-Don't just put the kids in front of the TV. Have fun with them!

If you follow those, i'm sure you'll get a job and be recommended. Babysitting is really fun and a good way to get money! Sure, your young so you'll have older teens that will be wanted more a lot of the time, but you just have to prove yourself.

Have fun and you'll get a job!

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Sunday, August 18, 2013

What did a typical school lunch look like in the 1960's?

school bags in the 70s
school bags in the 70s image

Just a gir

I need to know what was included in a school lunch (as in the ones provided by the school) in the 1960's.

Schools did not provide us lunch. The family did. We walked home for lunch and then walked back to school. (elementary school) Later on in elementary school, we stayed to eat lunch. Things were changing.

A typical lunch could be peanut butter and jelly on Wonder Bread. Baloney. Ham and cheese. It really wasn't a lot different from today. Sometimes we brought chicken soup (Cambells or Lipton) in the red plaid thermos. Sometimes we had a homemade brownie or cookie. We had metal lunchboxes. Sometimes we had paper bags. You got a bottle of milk and everyone saved the cardboard bottle caps.
Later we had milk cartons just like today.
Early 70s cafeteria lunch not unlike today. On Fridays I bought lunch. (Milk was 4 cents. I forgot what lunch cost.) Friday lunch was a bready pizza, brownie, cole slaw, milk. Just like today.
That's just one person's story.

When did the modern backpack start becoming popular in school and in general?


I am curious about when the modern backpack really started becoming common in schools and among the general population. When I say "modern", I mean what we think of when we think of backpacks today--polyester/nylon/et cetera bags with multiple pockets, zippers, and the like.

About the time I started college in 1975, I saw students using backpacks in some instances. I couldn't give you an exact date but I would say they started becoming a popular way of toting books in the very late 60s and early 70s. They were a mix of canvas and nylon in those days.

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